The Legacy of Hamburger Mcdurgerking 2

Hamburger was taken into Al Qaeda headquarters near Perion. The inside of the headquarters looked kind of like the place where Darth Vader and Luke Skywakler fought for the last time.

Admist the darkenss of the headquarters, Kristine ran across the security mushrooms and went inside Hamburger’s jail chamber.

“Is this what you really want Kristine?” said a familiar voice.
Surprised, she noticed it was Hamburger talking to her. He was all chained up in his cozy little chamber.
“I came here to get you out of here.” Kristine said as she came closer.
“ANSWER ME!” Hamburger shouted. “Is this what you wanted? Betrayal and power? I heard the whole entire story when I decided to come into the apartment from the window.” []
“I…” Kristine began to cry. “I thought I wanted power. I thought that was the only thing valuable in life. Power and acknowlgement. No one ever saw me as who I really was!” she continued, “but there was more to life than power. What good can power be without acknowledgement? Love?”

There was a deep hollow voice, as a level 10 came out from the hallway.

“Bravo Kristine! I never thought you as a traitor!” Osama Bin Hidin’ (OBH) threw a poisoned steely at Kristine.
“KRISTINE NO!” Hamburger shouted. He had sensed this. His blubber senses jiggeld!
“Hamburger… I’m sorry..” Kristine fell into slowly closed her eyes. She was all bloody, just like from Hamburger’s nightmare.
“What have I done.. I dragged her to this mess!” Hamburger said to himself.
“You see what happens when you don’t listen to me!?” OBH said. “By the way, my name is Osama Bin Hidin’. Yes Hamburger, like you I am a beginner. I wanted all the skills of the classes. I wanted to have it all! This is why I became a beginner.”
“SHUT UP!” Hamburger shouted as he clasped his hands and blubber clones started forming from his stomache. He let go of his hand and pulled them in, as he took a deep breath. He concentrated all his remaining fat inside him as he once again extended his arm with a shout: His body became inflated with fat, destroying the chains.
He was free.
“You miss with the Hamburger, you get cholestrol increase and heart disease.” Hamburger said in fury.


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