My blog in HD.
So HD, it’ll hurt your eyes. That in such a way, might give you a reason not to read this drunkish-borish-wh0rish blog.
Well, in addition to my lemon eating intro, lets move on.
Here we go:
Presenting… google in 1337:
I know, it’s pretty unbelievable huh? (If you think that this is old, you spend waaaaay too much time on the computer)
Now, since that’s out of my system, I shall briefly explain of you about my MMO day:
Presenting… the real deal:
Well today, I was strolling along the outskirts on perion when I see a high lvl dude.
And the following convo takes place:
High level: Check that noob’s ugly hair out
Me: Check that pro’s 0 social life.
High Level: Look who’s talking. I play only 3 hours a day.
Me: Wait, before you say anything else, how old are you?
High Level: 19
Me: Either, ur in community ghetto college, or you flip burgers for a living.
High Level: Ur not even at age whre u c’um.
Me: You’re the first one whose ever bragged about c’umming.
High Level: Well at least I get SOME. (He has not idea who he’s talking to. He’s talking to me, DRUNKDADDY! I got more experience than him!)
Me: Yeah, you get some fun from your hand.
Disgusted by the lack of social skills in real life some people have, I logged off of maple; my time being logged on only being 3 minutes.
Seriously, Maple changed. I feel like I got some better shtuff to do.
Aw, the hell to stuff.
The Moral?
When life gives you lemon, you squirt lemon juice into the eyes of whoever gave you the lemon in the first place.
You don’t have to eat lemons if you can’t eat it like me.
I have to do all that?
I usually just make lemonade, but ok!
I usually just make lemonade, but ok! :D”
You can buy lemonade. . .
but you eating lemons does not require purchasing something.
So does squirting them.
Lol, you pwned the high level and what’s up with Google?
that google is leet. That’s what.
Good job. =D
officially disturbed, its true, people are getting more and more disgusting every day.
-=The Nazgul=-
Lemons .
. . . . . . . .
-Flicks a drop of lemon into my eye-
You shouldn’t try it . O_____0
how old are you? o_0
I had a bad history with Lemons.
Lemme give you a image of what i look like with lemons in my hands.
x_O. *X ,eye patch*
Google in 1337?
That’s old.
Heh, you dissed him or w/e it’s spelled like (english is not my first language:P)
Btw Have you seen the drawing of your char yet?
I always tend to find lemons taste a whole lot nicer if you eat them with sugar.