Well, people are arguing about Renome and Angelwitwing/map1eholic about “Loving yourself”
Yeah, it sounds awfully retarded.
Well anyways, “I like it” button is in a middle of a scandal. And to tell you the truth, it pisses me off. You guys are whining about good blogs. Seriously, is this a really really really hard thing for you? Does it just tear off your arms and makes you swallow a whole bottle of acid? Well, I’ll tell you something. Right now, in some countries, I bet my money that those things are happening (tearing of the arms and such) countries are at war and peace is almost shattered.
I come to mmotales as a sanctuary where I can say random stuff and be acknowledged by it. (I also like happyhour ’cause I see happy people. But sometimes’ their too happy if you know what i mean ;))
And those two are like fighting. It’s war. If it was something of a great deal, I’d say something about it but then it’s about loving yourself.
In the real world:
Terrorism, War, Deaths, Gas Prices, Global Warming, Economy Problems, Health Problems, etc.
In here:
Trouble on making accounts to make your blog on the front page, or ‘lovng yourself’
Which one is more important? (If you say making accounts to make your blog on the front page, you need to get l*a*i*d, bad.)
People jump to conclusions on things. How do we have evidence that Renome has multiple accounts?? You see, the world we live in has more bad stuff and good stuff. Like I wrote in Her name was Karla~~5 where Karla undergoes severe torture because of the darkness in people’s heart, known as jealousy. As long as the sins and the bad stuff resides in people, there is no World Peace. Furthermore, there is no not having any sins, so that means that World Peace is just a dream. It cannot happen. But then again, there is something called hope and restraint, where one restrains him or herself to do something that will hurt others. This will give us a peace in mind.
So that’s where I came up with a new Idea.
Sure, it might be harsh but it’s worth the trouble. If clicked, it erases 1 of the ‘I liked it’ counts. Abuse of it will be a permanent ban. It’s figthing hate against hate. You guys are all haters…
Flames are welcome.
Haha the “I like it” button is overrated.
HAHA a “I hate it” button. . . XDDD
Ah and the guy’s name was Jiggalo but he hasn’t logged on in a looong time.
I don’t think we should have the I hate it button.
It’s like a feature to encourage people to insult and demoralise new writers.
Imagine that a new writer have 10 hates on his first day because he isn’t very good yet.
It will make him never want to come to this site ever again and we might lose a good mmotales member.
Instead, I think we should just have a rule to ban spamming and liking blogs inappropiately.
Excaliber made his point. And drunkdaddy, you have a point too. The world outside is very evil, and gruesome,

I guess it’s up to Captain to decide! ^^
– VanillaPocki –
It’s like a feature to encourage people to insult and demoralise new writers.
Imagine that a new writer have 10 hates on his first day because he isn’t very good yet.
It will make him never want to come to this site ever again and we might lose a good mmotales member.”
I agreee with excalibur, i mean the “i hate button” allows ppl to mass “i hate u” a blog, even if they don’t no
Yes, if we have the “I hate you/this” button, it will just make other people with justice in their minds make trith come into the people who don’t have justice in theirs. But if that happens it can be a ban for the good person and nothing for the bad. It will demoralize our community of threads and peace.
It’s like democracy.
Kick if bad, invite if good.
em, acually i tottally hate renome because personally i LOVE writting(i won awards)and i HATE it abousolty HATE it when ppl spend TIME and WORK into writting storys ,but get PUSHED of the front page because of alot blogs from RENOME !talking about werido werido werido things? I MEAN HELLO? PPL ,WRITERS WRITE STORYS TO ENTERTAIN US?THEY SPEND TIME,AND WORK INTO WRITING FAB STORYS? AND THEN RENNOME COMES ALONG,AND PUSHES THEM OFF THE FRONT PAGE,WITH HIS SPAMIMING BLOGS?AND THERE GOSE ALL THEIR HARD WORK,UNOTICED!
Mitsuki2 – Enough with the caps lock and bad spelling. You can’t have possibly won awards with bad spelling. Yes, Renome does have lots of pointless blogs, but here is not the place to talk about it. Instead, go flame him on one of his blogs where he is more likely to see it.
Lol. I like the idea of the “I hate it” button, but Excalibur has a point too. . .
i think that there shouldnt even be the “liked it button”. Its driving us crazy
i don’t like this idea I’ll tell you why later, mom is just coming home ><
and my old piano teacher is coming. *sigh*
Old piano teacher—