With requests from various people, the long awaited chapter (or so I hope) is here!
You read, I like! You like!
James quickly looked over his watch. 15 minutes until his fiancé, Sarah was going to be killed by the Prophets. 15 minutes for the duo to turn the tides. 15 minutes
Destiny eyed the sauna thermometer nervously as its temperature gradually increased. Through the intense heat pouring through the shut sauna doors, Destiny felt cold. It was his first time today experiencing the death of someone. It wasnt a pleasant first time experience at all.
James did not hesitate to break open the sauna doors. With a single blow with his foot, the door broke down revealing a hideous view.
Inside the sauna there were about ten carcasses of people foaming from their mouths and eyes, skin burnt with a hideous red tinge with dried blood crusted on their nostrils and mouths. Destiny quickly tilted his bamboo hat to cover his view of the rotting sight. The hot air from the sauna blew unto them a rancid scent of dead bodies, broiled from the heat of the sauna. Fearlessly, James stepped into the musty sauna and examined the bodies.
en.e..sys a body of a young boy croaked as it approached death.
James quickly came over to hold the nearly dead body and held him close to his chest.
Dont give up, theres still hope. Itll be alright. James whispered as he examined the boy closely. His eyes were burnt but had a gray tinge to it; his skin so pale that it seemed to glow a hint of bluish gray- an unpleasant color that was. His face was stabbed with many needle like objects, each one crusted with the boys heated blood. All of this made James a little queasy with uneasiness. All of a sudden he could remember the time when he and Sarah were investigating through the murky swamps. What Sarah had said when they encountered a little girl with the same bodily characteristics as the boy in front of him.
James stood up, dropping the boy with a gasp. The boy gave a gross, disfigured smile.
Body detonation! James screamed as he ran through the exit, taking Destiny with his arms.
And within the second, the eerie boys chest split opened as a massive explosion came out from the core of his stomach.
James, with Destiny in his arms tumbled on the ground as the Sauna exploded with its mighty force. A gruesome way to use a person as a weapon; to use a living being as a bomb was too much for Destiny to bare. He was in a state of shock. Nevertheless, he dug through his pouch to retrieve a scroll to Henesys.
I believe there is something waiting for us there. Destiny quivered.
A bodiless head rolled across the patches of dirt and grass of Henesys, leaving trails of blood everwhere it rolled. Kara spat disgustingly at the head, and they crushed it into a heap of bloody pulp with her foot. The brain of the head sprawled across the rugged ground squirting out a nauseating greenish looking liquid.
Karlas communicator gave a static cough. It was from Clyde, looking down from a tree.
Karla, put on the mask. A GM scout should be coming around to investigate the scene. But dont worry, the scouts are weak, they wont be able to stand up against you. If a scout sees you though make sure you kill him or her
oh shi
GAH!! The connection ended.
Karla took out her cat mask and quickly put it on. This was so that her identity remained anonymous. She swiftly took out two steelies from her holsters and held them up in front of her or defense.
Karla suddenly heard two thuds nearby: she saw Vince, headless seeping blood from the roots of his beheaded body and Clyde, tongue less with both eyes smashed out. Through her cat mask, she felt a cold stare, a very familiar sensation that Karla disliked. But who
who was it that killed Clyde and Vince?
Karla fell on her knees, close to puking her innards out. She sweated a cold sweat and looked around her. Karla was afraid of this feeling, this oh so familiar feeling. She felt her old burn marks burn a new, seeping through her nerves as a painful sting went down her body.
She suddenly remembered the horrid times when she was forced to swallow
no not swallow but to drink her own blood. She remembered the pain of the bamboo slits inside her fingernails as she was forced to drink every droplets of blood coming down from her legs, stomach fingers and face.
Not only this but she had flashbacks of all the gruesome things of her past. The burning coal she was forced to swallow during the days of her teenaged years. The sight of 2 boys forcing down a container full of acid down a girl, in an attempt to rape her inside an alley Karla passed by. All the blood she has seen
the blood
the blood
Karla began to get dizzy as she drooled inside her mask. She swerved here and there to make quarantine against blood. If only she could find a quarantine between blood, this strange awful sensation and her. She wanted to feel safe, but she felt deprived. She needed quarantine, a place where she could rest.
Karla uncovered her mask half way and threw up. She felt those familiar cold green eyes stare at her. The GM scout being weak? What bullsh!t. She was Karlas worst enemy.
Parakeets .
That was .
Bloody <333
Those are some interesting tags that you used for this chapter.
It has to be bloody . Or he wouldnt be caled drunkdaddy (x
It’s been far too long to read one of your stories. Why would you think it’s good to keep us deprived of this? THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME!
Bloody brilliant.
you know you think its sexy.
I wish all the stories had at least 6.7% of the bloodyness
*Runs from angry fan-fic writers*
Its been so long. Good Job.
Stfu dude. Let’s see you do better and don’t stretch the dam page.
-runs off to report “dude”-
I’m kinda on the verge of-
*throws up*
Never mind.
My stomach churned at a few parts.
You did you’re job. =]
Wah~ drunk, you began my series of nightmares of Karla again.
Its been way too long
Thanks for teh update drunk.
Now excuse me, I’m a lil queasy after reading this. . .