Her name was Karla~~ 7

“Yes brother… I am metal Luigi!” Luigi shouted.
“You-a discovered the secret hidden power!?” Mario asked.
“Yes… to defeat you!” Luigi dashed towards Mario. The ultimate brother fight was about to begin!

The sun was shining, the snails were dying and the world was in distress.
“Two GMs today were spotted dead near Lith Harbor…” Charlie turned the TV off. He was worried about Karla, and where she went. She told him that she didn’t want to cause anymore harm. He needed to thank her properly.

I walked up to the windowsill to witness the brilliant warmth of daylight. The hospital was sooo boring. I wished that I could watch a comedy or something. I saw something up in the tress. It was Karla.
“OOhh HIIIII!!!!!! It’s me!!!!!!!!!” I shouted. “Thanks for saving me!!!!!!!!!”
Karla looked surprised. She was so surprised that she fell off the tree. Uh-oh. I got out of the hospital to go take a look at Karla, she fell head first. I dashed outside to see Karla unconscious. Oh my god, what have I done?
I took her by the shoulder and I shook her.

Karla walked home. It was pouring outside. She felt someone’s presence as she looked back. It was Meg, her best friend.
“Oh…Karla look at you!” Meg came and took a look at her face. “Your mouth…” she backed away.
“Meg… there’s something I need to tell you.” Karla told Meg the whole thing. She could rely on her because she was wel… reliable.
“It was me or them.” Karla said remorsefully. “Why’d they have ta do this?”
“Aw.. it’s gonna be fine, so you just run to home and get something to eat.” Meg smiled.

“I’m home” Karla said as she headed for the kitchen. Her mom was standing in front of her. Crying.
“You killed someone!?” Karla’s mom continued.
“I… they tortured me…” her mom slapped Karla hard on the cheeks.
“I was informed by the GMs today and…” her mom continued crying. “I don’t want to have a human slaughterer as a daughter.” she picked up her dark ritual. Her shining ray knocked me off my feet and I was slammed to the nearest wall. I coughed up blood. And looked at her in tears.
“Mom… I.. they…” she coughed.
“I DON’T CARE IF THEY TORTURED YOU!!!! I HATE YOU!!” Her mother said as she whipped up another shining ray. Sheto my knees covered in blood.
“My own mother…” I started.
“Burns doesn’t it! It burns cause your evil…” her mother cried. She aimed a holy arrow at her, as it pierced her arms and legs. She screamed.
“You’re the daughter of the devil… look at you.. you’re eyes are so hungry for blood.” her mother continued.
She knew she had to get out of here. So with the last ounce of power left, she hasted herself and ran away, where her mother screamed in fury.

Karla looked at her hands.It was covered in blood. She thought to her self maybe she was a killer? Maybe she was a human slaughterer. All these things raced into her mind and before she knew it, she realized that this was what must’ve been the real world…

I touched her face and noticed a scar on her cheek. It didn’t matter, Karla was still beautiful. I looked up at the sky and down at Karla again. Oh damn, am I falling in love with a criminal?

Down at the forest of patience.

“Yearrrghh… take-a some of that!” Metal Luigi screamed as he fisted a punch up against Mario’s stomach.
“Mamma-mia! That is some-a kinda of a punch!” Mario groaned.
“You, idiot I am have-a achieved the power of-a metal!” Luigi cackled. “I’m-a probe that I-am -a better than you.” Luigi looked at Mario who was on the ground.
“So… this is-a what it was about?” Mario stood up shaking with rage. “You’re the idiot Luigi!” Mario shouted as he threw snail shells at him.
“Hehe… Mario you are-a patheti…” Luigi was interrupted by a firey snail shell coming straight at him. CLANK, the fiery snail shell melted a part of Luigi as it made a dent in his body.
“Oh picasso Chef Boyardee!” Luigi cursed as he landed a kick into Mario’s face. Mario did a summersault in the air and engaged into a hand-to-hand combat with Luigi.

Blue sparks of flame slowly covered mario from the foot.

13 thoughts on “Her name was Karla~~ 7”

  1. Karla looked at her hands.It was covered in hands.

    WAIT! it’s BLOOD, not covered in hands, RIGHT?!?!?! (tell me i’m right XD)

    ~Looking forward to the next chapter~
    P.S. I wanna see how Karla looks like XD

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. at the end does she get saved from her mom im to scared to read the rest and where is her dada?

  3. Mario did a summersault in the air and engaged into a hand-to-hand combat with mario.

    thats another error too o.o

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