Karla looked at the hediously tortured corpse. His eyes slowly melted as the fire burned his socket. His mouth was still opened wide by the steelys that were stabbed in his cheeks, as his torn apart left arm was stuffed inside it, burning with a blackish red color, his melting eyes were red and putrid as his legs gave one last squirm. Karla looked at his other arm, which has been torn off as well.
“Such simple objects can lead into this…” Karla also stared at her own hands. They were white, and were very cold.
“The hand… it is a weapon of mass destruction, the main weapon for the human beings. Without it, they live in a world of difficulty, a crippled up world.” Karla looked up to the dark sky. “There is no peace in this world… there is no peace in this world because we dwell in it. As long as we live it, as long as there are sins inside our heart, there is no such things…” Karla revealed her darkish blue eyes, now even in a darker color. She had hate inside of her right now. She knows that she in fact is sin.
Karla took out an ilbi. She threw it gracefully near the corpse as she flash jumped away. The ilbi exploded.
As she saw the flames, she remembered the time when she accepted the fact that she was the definition of sin…
Karla took the pie and ate it voraciously. It was so good.
‘Wow, you like pie huh?” Charlie said nervously.
Kara looked embarrassed. “Yeah. And um, I’m sorry to turn against you like that, it;s just that… it’s been a tough day.”
“It’s okay, here help yourself to some warm milk.”
She sipped the milk. It was warm. She wanted to cry. She took everything for granted, and with one cause of action, with one controversy, everything has been taken away. She looked at Charlie for a long time. She saw him as hope, she saw him as the kind heart everyone has deep inside them.
“Uhhh…” Charlie blushed. “Can I help you?”
Karla blushed again, “Oh… it’s nothing.” The darkness of the world may taken her character, her status, her loved ones but it did not take away her dignity, most importantly, her heart.
She still had her best friend, Meg. And with seeing Charlie, the kindes stranger she had ever met, this was the best inner-fuel she needed. So she had thought…
The next day, she set out to find Meg. She thanked Charlie for his hospitality and set foot outside. It was a beautiful day in Henesys, as she was heading towards Kerning City. She tried to contact her with her communicator but all she could hear was static…
“This hurts us more than you… tell us.” said a mysterious voice.
“N…no…” a girl said in a corner. One of the men poured gasoline on her arms and set it on fire. Her screamed pierced the room even if she had a muffler on.
“Come on… tell us.”
“Nev..er..” she said weakly. The men beat her back with a wooden club. It made a hideous crack as another deafining scream pierced the air.
Her vision blurred as she saw four people surrounding her, all GMs.
“Boss, she’s not cracking.” one of the GMs said wearily as he looked back at a GM in a wheelchair.
“Let’s play darts…” he smiled.
Her hands were cuffed and was chained on the ceiling. She had burn marks and blood all over her, as her once beautiful face was splattered with blood and gasoline. Her clothes were stripped off as the GMs continued their interrogation.
“Plea..se.. no darts…” the girl begged.
“I’ll go first.” the GM took out a steelie and threw it to the chained girl. It hit her abs. They were ‘playing human darts.’
“Nice one.” said the other GM as she took a steelie and threw it. It jabbed her left thighs.
“AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” the girl cried in mercy as she had an iron bar tied to her mouth as a muffler.
“My turn…”
43 steelies were thrown at the ‘human dart board’ as she was chained to the ceiling, stripped of her clothes and bloody all over. Similar to meat hanging in a freezer.
W00t, finally part 10 =). A bit gross(and dreadfully painful), but other than that, it seems fine to me. Nice details too.
Wull, very gruesome, Particularly the last part.
nice story real gory i like it that way lol
god why is it always steelies!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
ugh, i might start having nightmares from reading all of this,
i hope i don’t,
A gun gives you the body, not the bird.
yeah right. a bit sort though. you might wana add like hwabi stars into it.
Who the heck is that girl, That torturing was hell, Okay, two points for torturing girls and 1 point for boys? = =, Who the hell was tat girl anyway!? Meg? O_o, That torturing was worse than what Karla had, Much worse. I gota agree, you write torturing DAM well. Bloody GM’s I hate them so much. Who gave them their authority anyway? Torturing people like that is A DEATH PENALTY,
Kind of scary but I loved this chapter!
Gruesome, but thats what really happens in the real world.

just so sad,
I love how you portray stuff from a kiddy world and you compare it to the real world. It’s really nicely done.
But it’s so sad,
– VanillaPocki –
Whew. . . Nice chapter. Simple loved the torturing part. . .
Hate. . . it’s waht the world is all about But on the other and you have love but. . . Hate. . .
Whoa, nice, but next time make them use blunt darts instead of steelies. Much more pain. XD
Why didnt the girl get raped?
interrogation does not include rape. o_O