8th Grade and I’m still going Trick or Treatin’ with my Friends! OH YEAHHHHHHHHH~
I gotta tell you.
It doesnt matter about the age. Whose gonna miss out on free candies?
Anyways, with a party of 5 we began our mission.
I was wearing a mask. . . it was a mysterious mask. It kinda looked like a Babe Ruth-ish telletuby. Eitherway, my mask was frickin’ hilarious.
It’s been three years wearing that mask and it still has that magical, comedy charm. It was great.
I was obnoxiously hyper. WE were obnoxiously hyper.
On to the first door.
Me:”Trick-or Treat n’ stuff!”
Friends:* Laughs *
Lady: HAHAHA! Your mask!
Me:”Yeah, I’m that guy *points to my friend* for Halloween”
Lady & Friends: HAHAHAHA
Next stop
Freinds: n’stuff. . . *laughs*
Man: Wow, your mask is amazing.
Me: Thank you, I’m a minority for Halloween
Everyone: HAHAHA!
Me: I love your decorations, and I certainly have seen some decorations.
Everyone: LOL
anyways, I complement people’s houses as we go around, ending with a “And I have seem some (whatever I’m complementing the person about).”
It was such a nice time. Our group became well known and stuff so it was like giggidy-giggidy.
Shortly after, we see a guy and his girlfriend inside his truck driving past us.
Us: . . .
I love those kinda reckless high school seniors. And trust me, I’ve been with em.
Them: o_O
Me: *acts retarded*
Them: O_o
Me: ghiohsrgrjhg!!!!!! TIMMEH! TIMMEH! (from southpark)
Them: HAHA! Are you serious?
My friend later called me stupid for chasing wasted high school seniors. I couldnt get my hands off the girls.
And so after that, we met up with our girlfriends and out pary increased to 11.
I was sooo hyper.
Next stop
Me: . . .N’ STUFF!
Everyone: with that mask, tell them that you’re Kim Jong Il this year for Halloween.
Me: Aight, sweet.
Everyone: Come on guys, they’re not gonna come and give us candy.
Me: *faces the house* consider yourself nuked.
Everyone: AHAHAHAHA!
Now we’re in a merry mood. We start singing “Every time we touch”
But our girlfriends had to go now. . . Boohoo.
After exchanging hugs we part.
But, we guys are still going to have some fun.
My Friend: *Looks at a highschooler in a very “revealing” costume.* Hey lady! is that a costume, or is that where you work!?
We laughed sooo hard on that comment.
We go by more houses, and I continue complimenting houses n’ stuff.
Next Stop
Us: Trick or Treat n’ stuff!
Lady: *comes out of the door and gives us candies*
Me: *stares at her clothes.*
Lady: Uhh… is there something wrong?
Me: I can recognize that bunny from anywhere. (Her clothes had playboy bunnies on it)
Everyone: HAHAHAHAHA! I bet you do.
Every stop we make, I was a different person from Halloween.
I was first a telletubby, George Bush, My friend, Michael Jackson, Kim Jong Il, Britney Spears, someone’s mom, etc.
We continue our merry way.
Oh wait! Is that a bunch of hawt looking highschool girls!?
Girl: Hey, is that (my friend) on the phone?
Me: si.
Girl: Can I talk to him? *does the unbearablly hot lower lip thing that I cannot resist*
Me: *passes her my cell*
Girl: (My friend)! You better not throw candies at me or I’ll kick your ass and hunt you down. *passes me back the phone*
Me: *to the phone* you hear that? You’re getting lucky tonight, she’s gonna hunt you down.
The group of Girls: O_O
Me: *closes phone* Hey! Come on! It’s an American Joke!
Girls: HAHAHA!
Then I got hugs. They all smelled good.
Well, that was a short excerpt of my wonderful Halloween.
I hope you had a good halloween like I did.
Peace y’all.
(My friend) is a cover for his name.
I do not wanna release no personal info.
lol soudns fun. I wish I knew you in rl I wanted to go trick or treatin but didnt want to
Wow, you are like every eight grader i have met this year. lol
Glad ya had fun!
I am in the 10th grade and i went trick or treating.
how can i possibly pass the offer.
Nice Gujju!
haha! drunkdaddy!
“American Joke”
Ur so funny.
sadly, no one ever celebrates halloweenies in singapore.
at least rs has halloween celebrations.
The Ninja gave small children Red Bull energy drinks.
Fun fun. Giggity giggity.
lol funny
hehehehehe dun dun dun
Haha, sounds like fun.
Reminds me when I was young, then again I was a ‘spooky’ kid.
Anywho, I’m glad you had fun.
When l was in England<i was really young at that time, but if i get the chance now, l will still go
D> l went Trick or Treating,
Sadly in Singapore we don’t celebrate Halloween, *sobs*
Me:”Trick-or Treat n’ stuff!”
Friends:* Laughs *
Lady: HAHAHA! Your mask!
Me:”Yeah, I’m that guy *points to my friend* for Halloween”
Lady & Friends: HAHAHAHA
Me: . . .N’ STUFF!
Everyone: with that mask, tell them that you’re Kim Jong Il this year for Halloween.
Me: Aight, sweet.
Everyone: Come on guys, they’re not gonna come and give us candy.
Me: *faces the house* consider yourself nuked.
Everyone: AHAHAHAHA!