Luckily, Im not bad with fractions.
Anyways, I am here to sadly report my loss in interest to mapling The large armies of hackers and their corny puns had made me sick and tired of it.
. . . I havent been mapling in like a month or so, and I don’t think I want to.
So ladies and gentlemen. . . and others.
The girls who work at hooters.
The burger flippers of society.
Good luck with you and your mapling career.
I’ll still be at MMOT.
I’ll be sitting up on a tree branch over here. *Points east*
… and will be looking over y’all. I still have my bricks of justice in case of emergencies.
Oh yeah, with the mails that’s been coming in, I’ll still continue your favorite lil murderer, Karla!
About time that you get bored of GMS. THe Hackers have just pure ruined it.
Ever think about takin’ up FlyFF? =]
Can I have your account?
Well, fivety/a hundread people can’t spehl on teh intarnet.
The title does not make sense.
How can you have 5 people who are bad with fractions when you have only four? Your just gonna have more people than you already have which makes it impossible
How can you have 5 people who are bad with fractions when you have only four? Your just gonna have more people than you already have which makes it impossible
Boy, aren’t you the smart one. . .
It means he’s also bad at fractions.
are you callin me stoopid?
ill never give you ol’ peanut.
I use it for saying hi to good friends on MS.
. . . and also to ask them for money.
Perhaps you can try out at MapleSEA here, if your server at your region allows it.
MapleSEA has banned North American and European IPs, so if you’re in either of those two regions you cannot play. (mourns MSEA)
GMS sucks! Play Flyff! XD
im one of those ppl who suck at fractions