Hello there scurvy dogs and wenches of MMOTales!!! (I am not being mean just follow along plix )
Tis’ I yet again here to enlighten thee of my current adventures!!
Let us see, shall we start about.. A week or two ago? Aye, We shall!!!
But first lets get out of this ere pirate accent!
-Takes off pirate hat-
K there!! ON TO THE TALES!!
Birthday Boy HURRAH!!
Hmm, Okay Well lets start at my birthday! On my birthday I went to Target to get some Nexon Cash. I thought about it carefully what I was going to get as an outfit and I finally came up with one! In my opinion its sexy in others.. Well they call me gay. Meh, think the way you wana think but don’t try to make me think like you! Is what I say, hope that made sense..
Moving On Well I got a new outfit if you could please look at screeny numero uno! Then I had about 30k Nexon Cash left and didn’t know what to do with it.. Later my girlfriend walked over to me starting the crush ring effect and I knew what to get!!
So wedding planning we went! We figured out the day the time and everything!!
Wedding Troubles
Well at first it started with a few small things no problem, Late Guests, People needed to catch boats etc. Nothing big until we were actually ready.. Apparently to my lack of knowledge we needed to do a Meet The Parents quest. Which slowed down our wedding and angered our already ticked off guests even more.. FINALLY we got into the Cathedral and we got married! Please Click on 2nd Screen Shot…. NOW!! So YAY Marriage!! As you can see from Screen Shot 2 People were upset ex. Yutakayasuo (Friend from school) But we waited there for about the whole time limit trying to figure out what to do next since we couldn’t locate the nun in the stands
We got to the photo stage!!
People made jokes about how long it was!!Click We ended up having a happy day!!
Wrap Up
Me and my Wife are happy, Im level 52 now! And Im shooting for lvl 60! I probably won’t blog again till I am so wish me luck!
Random Wedding Screen Shot of People fighting over the wedding huntress! Numero 3 please!
Again Hope I didn’t offend anyone with the Wenches and Scurvy Dogs Comment!
I wish you all a Happy Maple Future
Gratz on your marriage!
Thanks AwSnapeLz
Was AquaWhoohoo asking if he could be adopted or a dope? o.o
Congratulations on the holy matrimony thing.
Lols yes he was asking to be adopted its weird cuz then everyone asked