meeting a noob at mushmom

Okay so i go to mushmom and there are like 5 people there including 1 level 4 beginner. And I’m wondering how she got there. So i ask her how she got there and she says that she had a friend who helped her but then had to log of. Then i ask the other people there and they say she godmoded. So……we try to test it out and someone summons some teddys. Shes in the middle of the summoning and she doesn’t get hit. THEN she says that shes a GM but there isnt even a gm sign above her head. -_-. After that she says that she will vack all the monsters to the bottom of the map and she does that but there all killed.

THEN she says since shes a GM she can’t get hit by the monsters. Then someone disses her by saying if you were a GM you wouldnt be such a stupid liar. After that she says ill ban *inserts name here*. And of course that person isnt banned yet.After that Mushmom appeared and the people killed it then i cced.

10 thoughts on “meeting a noob at mushmom”

  1. Hell yeah, she wasn’t a real GM. Else she’d’ve summoned the Doom Flounder on you guys for dissing her, or something. xD

    And I think GMs DO get hit. They just get, like, one damage though. -____-” xD

  2. no ezryn they get a miss sign becasue teh gm aht gives 999 to each stat adn 999 acc,avoid so whooo, the noob sucks at faking.

  3. characters lower then lvl 8 aren’t shown on the Rankings i think ._.
    anyways weren’t u guys ROFLING all day long thinking bout how that lvl 4 beginner acted ? xD
    i did :]

    have a nice day :]

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