I’ve been playing KartRider a lot in the past few days. It starts to get really addicting after a while too . The game is pretty entertaining, and it passes time as fast as MS.
For now, I’m just a green 5 fingered glove. For those of you who don’t know about this, there’s a kind of ranking system that shows how long you’ve played and how much RP(race points) you have. The system actually doesn’t really show how skilled you are in the game.
There were also people that I hated in the game. In one game room, I got 1st place twice, than when another guy got first, he kicked me. Also, I really hope that the people who are operating Kart don’t make us restart our characters, since I had saved all my money(17k) and getting to a 5 finger took a while for me
I also discovered some sort of pattern to how you get the items. For example, if you get a shield, than you’ll probably get another shield or a fog. Or, at least that’s what happened to me. Another thing that I discovered was that I suck at speed racing. In the single mode, than I usually get 8th or 7th place. If I do team, than I never finish, and it’s usually the other team that wins in the end. The reason for me sucking at speed is probably because I can’t drift at all >.<.
The track that I’m probably the best at is the level 2 ice one, since it’s so fun and easy to me. I’m okay at all the other tracks, but I really don’t like the Pyramid Mesa one. Out of around 20 times of racing in that one, I’ll only get 1st-3rd place once or twice. Btw, if anyone wants to know, I haven’t gone on MS recently because of studying, and play Kart.
P.S Does anyone wanna race me? My ign if Fisora.
P.P.S Could someone tell me who to take screeny’s in Kart? I heard that it was the F4 key, but when I go to My Documents and go to the folder where it says KartRider, I can’t find any of the screeny’s.
Maybe you pressed F5 instead of F4 like me.
I was sure that I pressed f4 =P
Discovered that a long time ago.
1st place = Banana Peel, Fog, Shield (1 use only)
2nd to 7th (8th if near) = Anything but shields, peels, nor fogs.
8th if really behind = Boosters all the way.
You can. Check the Kart Rider folder in “My Documents” and look for another file that’s named “Screenshots”.