Here is a lil drill about scammer’s and hacker’s lol enjoy =P:
(on ship to orbis)
Scammer: *drops lama staff* lets see what u got bud
Person:hmmmmm *drops pink jester* HA!
Scammer *drops lama staff and maple staff* i am too good *leaves them floating*
(ship comes into station)
Person: ROTFL!!!!!!!!
Scammer: T-T
Yay hacker comic thingy now =o
Hacker:want hackz?
Person:what u fink i am a computer?
Hacker:Look i can fly
Person:*reports* hehe
Hacker:ur too newbie to do this
(GM enters)
Person: fly out of that one newb
(Hacker has been band for hacking)
And lastly we cant forget teh pie yes teh pie all my credits go to a great friend Chris and the loyal might PIE!!!!
haha anywayz enjoy whats left of comic thingys =P
4 thoughts on “Scammer’s, Hacker’s And Pie’s =P”
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lol,just make it like lil piggie and dis one’ll be on da front page
i sauk at blogs *reads come here lil piggie* *falls off chair laughing* xP
Pie! =>. More Pies pl0x
rofl unlucky stupid scammer xD