Nicest Person In Maple U Know?

i have been wonderign who is ur idol/friend who u would love to be like and has been the nicest to u?
Well for me it would have to be LionzHart he was alwasy there for me he gave me a set of tobis and even trained with me whenever i needed him he was always there well now whos ur idol/firned???

9 thoughts on “Nicest Person In Maple U Know?”

  1. my idol is anyone who can make a proper sentence by using correct punctuation and grammar

  2. One of my idols is an old friend that I made 4 years ago. Shortly after our friendship, I was forced to move. I rediscovered him recently on Maple, however. He is a level 73 priest by the name of TehMedic. He made a guild with buddies from his high school, and I was graciously invited into it.

    Just recently, I reached level 45 and came in need of an arc staff. After I mentioned this to him, he scanned Free Market for a good deal, searching for hours.
    He finally found me a 64 attack arc staff. He had paid a large sum for it, but he only asked me to foot him with 200k.
    I believe he is now bankrupt. He is unable to train anywhere. He has not logged onto maple for several months.

    I’m sorry about our friendship; I wish it could have gone further. But he made a large sacrifice in part, for me. He’s my hero.

    AlterOfGod, I had correct grammar in that story, did I not? ^_^

  3. dariidar said: “AlterOfGod, I had correct grammar in that story, did I not? ^_^”

    You can always tell someone is using correct grammar when they can spell “grammar”.

  4. Lol, “Grammar” easy enogh don’t you think? It’s right in front of you XD.
    anyways mine would be one of my friend, 1337kn1ght, he gave me a panlid and some money when I was scammed, and he helped me level when I lost my account. Really nice guy.

  5. lol, Ganzicus (hi, u probably don’t remember me, from bera). he gave me a scrolled old raggedy cape for free i don’t really have any idols, but i like him i also like my friend in Bera, lyokofan. he’s a strong hunter (last i checked 42, dunno what lvl now) i met him when he was lvl 11

  6. Hm, my idol would be a person that always sticks up for me and who can type fast(coz its anoiying!) and who gives me items all the time, =)

  7. My idol= Xiaopenben of bootes. When i needed money to buy my krn fan, he donated 1m to me so that i was able to buy a clean 53 att k fan and scroll it. Another of my idol is pyromany3k. Although i lost contact with him, i went to look for him but he didnt remember me -.- Sad. When i mentioned that i needed a panlid sometime soon, he went to the green mush tree and henesys hunting ground hunting for hours for one. But he couldnt get any, so he bought one for me.

  8. This all happened yesterday.
    So I was on my noob mage in Windia. I had just bought my wand and a 1 MP pot. I was broke. 2 mesos in my inventory and nothing else but my Maple Island shoes and my wand, which I needed. So I headed towards Perion, and by walking, I got there. I was hoping some nice warrior would help me. So I went around, saying, ‘Can anyone spare me some money?’ Well, luck was with me when Beav1s saw me. He not only gave me 10k, but trained me for free, bought my potions, bought my armour, and brought me from level 8 to 11 without complaining! Although he did go AFK quite a bit. He was a cleric, so I didn’t really need HP pots, but I used quite a bit of MP pots^^And when this noob asked for partying and whoever partied him would get some stuff. Me, being the party leader, asked him what he would give me. He offer a few K, so i partied him. He didn’t pay, so Beav1s, being the nice guy he is, told me to kick him out. So the noob was complaining, and this time, he offered me Blue Basic Shoes, level 15 hat and level 10 hat.
    I didn’t really need the level 10 hat, because Beav1s already bought it for me, but he also forgot to buy me shoes. So I agreed, and I got the stuff.^_~
    If anyone sees him in Windia and is in need of mesos or training, /find him. He’s really nice.

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