Have U Ever Thought?

Currently people have been complaining alot about gm’s not helping much but the fact is HAVE U EVER THOUGHT what maple story would be like without gms? i mean think about it no gm events ALOT more hackers maple story would be a hell of a mess and it wouldent be a game anymore it would be hell.Do u have any thoughts on this? is this keeping u thinking at night? or maybe u just wonder?? well now is the time to post what u thin here!

3 thoughts on “Have U Ever Thought?”

  1. From what I heard from my friends, there is no GameGuard, that thing that pops up when you play GMS, and no GMs in MSEA, again thats just from what I heard.
    Anyways if there were no GMs then there would be hackers EVERYWHERE, Henesys Hunting Ground, Slime Tree, EVERYWHRE!.

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