Come Here Lil Piggie!!!

hey i am dragonfang (again) xD and this blog is about me and my friends chillin in the pig beach xD well here goes nufin
I started off a beautiful day in winda talking to my guild my friend said why dotn we go to pig beach, (O gosh i love those lil piggies i couldent resist ^____^)we started killing piggies foolign around (dont we all ;P) then we started singign i am to sexy and strip’d haha it was funny xD next think i know my friend is shouting “SP4NK ME” lol (i dident give him teh idea o_O),we were hiting him with whips, umbrella’s u name it we hit him with it xD then my other guild friend kissed my friend (Hey i dident get a kiss >) very evil peoples >.> anyway so here i am still in teh piggie beach with my buddys having fun in teh sun! 😛
Love all my friends + Cicormatic and Fyrerii <3 u guys ;P

18 thoughts on “Come Here Lil Piggie!!!”

  1. Waahh Piggy cruelty! >=(, So it was U ppl who killed the pigs in pig village! (read my 1st piga’s story blog, to understand wot im saying)

  2. Sounds like you had some fun in the sun.

    I’m going to say try this out in florina. That’s actually a real beach lol. Anyone know why pig beach is actually called “pig beach”?

  3. dude that is hilarious! if i was in winid ai woulda been laffin meh head off

  4. LMAOO! hahaa! i wish i was there to see it, thinking over again, (which i rarely do) I DON’T WANNA.
    xD that would’ve been fun. did anyone call you guys p3rv3s? people do that a lot lately, SADLY.

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