Lack of activity

Well, for the past few days I’ve been leveling my pron00b (NewbLady). I finally reached level 30 with her and I was all excited. Another pron00b was there and he quickly invited me to guild as soon as I leveled. So, with happiness, I joined WhatsAJob. Many people were on and I felt pretty cool talking with them.

However, on my main, Leilwyn, almost no one was on. Over the past week (I’ve been coming on for at least an hour a day just to talk) there has been maybe a max of 4 people on, with only 3 of them talking, at any one time. This is a complete change from what the guild used to be like. We’re still fun-loving and huge jokesters, but there would used to be 6+ people on on average. Weekends there would always be about 9 people on. And for one thing, my love Lani is never on anymore. He’s not even playing his other characters. I miss him. He’s so much fun to hang around with.

I understand that the lack of activity is because people are busy with school or work, or are wanting to play on alternate characters like I have been.

But I implore them to please come on at least once a night and talk with me. I love my guild so much. These people make my life worthwhile.

The sketch isn’t mine, it’s by a member of the guild, Jallin. But the picture depicts the founders of our guild. ^_^

15 thoughts on “Lack of activity”



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [Thats my job .]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Hanukkah!

    [I forgot the spelling .]

    Happy Orange Day!
    [That is invented by me. Orange day is everyday! So is Fun Day, Candy Day, Insane Day. . . *Coughs loudly*]

    Happy Headache Day!

    Happy Internet Day!

    Happy Lime Day!

    Happy Jam Day!

    Happy Lacrosse Day!

    Happy Deranged Day!

    [And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]


  2. Oh yeah, the on in the middle. . . sexy. Too bad she isn’t sexy as me!
    Isn’t that right Annikabelle?

  3. Aw, I likey the picture – tis pretty awesome! ;D

    And congrats on levelling!

    And welcome! *gives pie*

  4. EvilStranger said: “Oh yeah, the on in the middle. . . sexy. Too bad she isn’t sexy as me!
    Isn’t that right Annikabelle?”

    ROFL .

    Incomparable <3

    and vampire bunies on lvling

    btw i say vampire bunnies bcuz everyone says grats(z) or congratz(s) so i say VAMPIRE BUNNIES ^_^

    ~~its cute right?~~

  6. EvilStranger said: “Oh yeah, the on in the middle. . . sexy. Too bad she isn’t sexy as me!
    Isn’t that right Annikabelle?”

    Forgot to add. Welcome to MMOTales, nothing much is going on because I haven’t typed a blog yet. 😛

  7. Ah yes. . . the lack of activity. . . i haven’t played MS for like a month? maybe longer? Yeah. . . school. . . T_T

    OH AND:

    Welcome to MMO XD

    enjoy while your here

    PS. Your guildmember draws really good O_O

    dee32693 said: “OMG THAT DRAWING IS SO GOOD!
    and vampire bunies on lvling”

    hmz. . . i don’t know. . . that’s just like saying happy nightmares. . . which you also say. . .

  8. Nice pic xD, welcome and ya it take time, if you play on bera feel free to add MeowMixPwns and ill lvl up with ya, im only a lvl 31 right now xD

  9. nice u inspire me to make a permanent noob:P
    wats ur stats? wat server do u play on? im in broa on GMS. my character name is Wolfboy183

  10. LOL! wow, thanks everyone, for the great and warm welcome. I’m really glad I made the choice to sign up for MMO. ^__^

    Wow, Annikabelle, you sound like my kind of person! I love insanely fun people 😛 Randomness is my game, baby.

    And to everyone who said the one in the middle is shmexy, PM Vodianova(Khaini) for a good time. She’s my sweetheart guild leader. Don’t hurt her though, or I’ll punch you in the face.

    Thank you Cinnamon, I’ll love the pie.

    Thanks so much dee32693! I love vampire bunnies and I will always cherish the ones you give me. ^_^ (Wow that sounds like an STD O.o)

    Lol, EvilStranger.

    yh2thalo, yeah, she does, and thanks for welcoming me. ^_^

    Um, thanks genpest? At least I have a main. I’m not completely stupid. XD

    YAY Wolfguy184! I play on Khaini and I have 4/4 stats with 52 dex (39 base) and, um, a lot of strength. lol.

    WOOT! Thanks for the great welcome guys.

  11. Oh, and Jallin (Khaini) is the one who made the drawing. She takes comissions for money. At least, I think she’s starting to do that.

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