It was a cold night out. People were running into small houses on the street while warriors went to the gates of Perion. Go go go! A commander shouted pointing his finger to the gates. Soldiers poured out from houses and ran swiftly in their metal armor trying to get to the gate. A big boom sounded through the mountain city of warriors.
The gates were being plowed down. The warriors took their weapons from their sides and backs and stood in ready position. It was if time had stopped. The door broke open and a great cloud of dust flew over the soldiers. Nobody could see anything until the dust hovered away.
From the gates, men poured into the city. The soldiers of Perion charged and met the enemies at the gates around the city. The war in Perion lasted 2 days and 1 night until 3 gates were breached and everybody was forced to the top of the hill. One gate stood. The hundreds of towns people poured into the small area that was secured and safe from the mass army outside.
50 unlucky souls were put outside of the gates to protect their family and friends. The gates were closed and nobody could hear anything but a bash of steel against steel. The feet stopped and nothing was heard. It stayed quiet until a voice growled and blood poured from the bottom of the gates. Everybody looked away and uttered a few last words to their family outside.
It was a sorrowful moment. A voice boomed through the gate, Give up now or die! Everybody was quiet.
Dances With Balrog mounted his trustful Crimson Balrog and flew to the top of the gates. Archers that had come from Henesys were on top of the wall with arrows pointed at an enemy. We give up! Dances With Balrog yelled to the enemy.
Everybody inside the square gasped and booed at the once fearless king. A laugh boomed and everybody fell silent again. Open the doors Dances With Balrogs ordered. The warriors hesitantly opened the doors.
You are all now our slaves!
A Small Hope Will Continue. . . to death
Alright people, this is based on MapleStory and what would happen if people could PvP and kill eachother. If there were no GM’s there would be chaos, death and destruction around MapleStory.
do people not read stories because of the title? It’s idiotic what people do because of what they see, who’s ever heard NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY IT’S TITLE
I’m confused. Who is the conquered and the conquerer here?
Other than that, I quite like the description
And mind you, the title of your blog brought me here. 
oh thanks SilverFx. The conquered is Perion, the conquerer is some unkown thing than only I know about =D and thanks about the title part! It brang smiles to my face +D
Ah, I see. Well, if you put the part You are all now our slaves! in a separate paragraph, it would be clearer. Because it seemed like Dances with Balrogs said it, that’s why I got confused. A little tip that I picked up from another user on this site *coughs*AlterofGod*coughs*: separate conversations from different people into different paragraphs. It’ll make things much easier
And about the title: I’m a little too much on the morbid side, that’s why it attracted me.
thanks SilverFx again =D I took ur advice and changed it around.