GM abilities

lots of my friends always brag me about how it feels to be a GM………….i feel like a freaking celebrity and its great.
someone asked me ( i think it was my non-GM friend exven) what kind of powers do a GM have, and i answer: powers of a god

here are all the powers of a GM:

slaveclone(creating a replica of yourself or another player in the server and it becomes your little partner, you can create an army of these)

summon( summon a monster)

kill all( destroy all monsters of the same race or kill all players in the server)

job change (change a job by typing the job u want……..bad part: all your stats reset)

stats increase (increase the number of DEX, VIT, ATK, ETC depending on how much u put…..EX:10000+ ATK)

follow ( follow a person without clicking an area to move… a pet or homoculus)

guild/party whisper spying (look at the things the guild or party are saying….even though u are not in the guild or party)

create a weapon

amulets ( items from a certain job with all its abilities and attacks) EX: if ur an assassin cross and u want a high wizard amulet… ur assassin has moves like lord of vermillion, and jupitel thunder

resize( change the size of your character from big to small, or vice-versa)

locate (locate a current player in the server)

my abilities

Super Doga ( i use a stargladiator amulet in my assassin cross acc. and use union, anger of the sun and moon, now i can attack enemies just by walking by them, and i can fly around, i also have an electric aura around me)

ghost clones (all my slave clones are now invisible and nobody can attack them, but my clones can kill them in one blow…how can this happen? im not telling you)

well, these are all my knowledge of a GM
got any questions, ask me

see ya


19 thoughts on “GM abilities”

  1. Amuse me.
    I’m the mod here, so you’ll have to prove it to me.

    Show a screenie or it did not happen.

    I do not enjoy lying on this site, and I do not want you bragging about anything ever again unless you have proof.


  2. Pfft. I’m not afraid of Mip. Nothing about her seniority on this site, steel whip, authority, black belt in Ass-Can Opening, or deep, manly voice frighten me! Not even the fact that she’s a woman with power scares me! >:D

    *turns on night light before going to bed*

  3. Mipsacri said: “Amuse me.
    I’m the mod here, so you’ll have to prove it to me.

    Show a screenie or it did not happen.

    I do not enjoy lying on this site, and I do not want you bragging about anything ever again unless you have proof.


    Hah! I gots a backup who enforces the ‘Pix or it didn’t happen!’ law of pix. Or that was implied.

  4. Doga said: “dude whats wrong with you in pix?”

    The only thing wrong is that we’re being skeptic about your claims. >>;

  5. I remembered somthing like this, just better backed up with crappy photoshop edited pics. Ten bucks he’s lying. *starts collecting bets*

  6. my abilities

    Super Doga ( i use a stargladiator amulet in my assassin cross acc. and use union, anger of the sun and moon, now i can attack enemies just by walking by them, and i can fly around, i also have an electric aura around me)

    ghost clones (all my slave clones are now invisible and nobody can attack them, but my clones can kill them in one blow, how can this happen? im not telling you)

    You forgot to include the “Lousy Impersonator” ability

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