Seriously, wtf is wrong with people?

What the hell is wrong with people?
This just happened to me like a couple of minutes ago.
I am not aiming for sympathy, but come on now.
Loot hacking? Picking up things quickly? Does anybody know you can hold down the loot button so you can loot all the stuff you got from the kill? It pains me to think this is what others have come to…

I just met a great guy today too, who totally tries to crack down on hackers. And then I come across this girl, who apparrently thinks EVERYTHING that she doesn’t know how to do is a hack and just needs to be reported (generalization, I know.. but thats what it seemed like to me)

She reports me for a hack that I clearly do not have, and proceeds to ks me all the way through. No video of that though… but whatever. I wont even loot my crap anymore, just the important stuff because this is way too much for me right now. Annoying!

Agh… today is bleh for now. Gonna get better later. I can’t believe I’m actually waiting a full second for each item in between to pick up my drops. Rawrness!

Comments: Yuck, excuse that second comment about her IGN name not being girly. It was uncalled for and very sexist. Mind you its what I thought at the time, but their are tons of awesome girl players out there with not very girly names, and tons of guy players with.. not very guyly names? Thats not a word, but I’ll make it one for today!

7 thoughts on “Seriously, wtf is wrong with people?”

  1. *rolls eyes at the conversation in the SS*
    That guy has serious contextual reading problems. -__-

  2. Yeah, he was probably just fishing for something to report. I’m over it now, but man, what a way to start a morning off. Haha. Lordies!

  3. Haha, reporting her is fine, because her accusation was uncalled for. What’s funny is I keep referring to her as both a guy and a girl, ’cause that IGN is totally not girly but the avatar is a nurses outfit on a girl. LAWL

  4. That guy/girl has serious reading problems.
    I must get him/her a skilled English Tutor/Teacher like myself.

  5. Aww. That sucks :[

    There are buttheads in life, you just gotta learn to ignore them!

    (PS did you get my buddy request? )

  6. Lol, she is clearly overprotective of herself, and so obsessed about trying to be smart that she has lost all logic at all, and everyone would think that she’s a loony =o

    Don’t worry about that, just ignore them and talk to your friends about the person being an idiot, always cheers me up

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