Snail: What a wonderful day on Maple Island.
Blue Snail: Yep.
Snail: So peaceful, no loud magical explosions or giant swords like Victoria.
Blue Snail: Yep.
Snail: So why did you move up here from Victoria anyway?
Blue Snail: It’s like a warzone down there. Fire Wizards come by every once and a while, Kill off all my relatives. Was depressing. Here, nobody comes to Snail Garden.
Snail: Yeah…It’s great here. I get to slide along the grass freely, and without having a bowman use me as target practice either.
Blue Snail: Yep.
Snail: This is the life…Oh yes.
Blue Snail: Yep….Oh wait, NO!!
Blue Snail: Stupid -20 speed bonus…
Red Snail: I’ll defend you!
Red Snail: Phew…I got him.
Snail: Thanks Red!
Red Snail: No problem. It’s survival of the fittest around here. You should talk to the King Snail, have him train you. Who knows, maybe you’ll earn your red shells as well.
Blue Snail: I’m too old to be a warrior.
Snail: Not me! I’ll be the greatest of all snail warriors!
Orange Mushroom: Hey guys! PERMA NEWBIE HEADING YOUR WAY! LEVEL 14!
Red Snail: ARGHH!!!
Blue Snail: UUGGHH!!!!
Orange Mushroom: Super Mario Time! *Jumps*
Snail: Phew…you took him out….But…Red…Blue…NOOOOO!!!!
Orange Mushroom: Don’t cry, Snail…They’re in a better place now.
Snail: No…I’ll get my revenge…on ALL NEWBIES….ALL OF THEM….
3 days later, Maple Islands NPC inhabitants were all slain by a green snail assassin and his army of Orange Mushroom sentries. Eventually, Newbies ceased to join MapleStory and Cash Shop items all increased their prices by 1000 NX Cash due to lack of new players.
Next time you kill innocent snails, or any creature…Remember. They have families too. And might just take over the world one day. So either leave them alone, or KILL THEM ALL. No survivors. THE END
[Dedicated to the Snails, ever so persistant in their choice of living area, despite the low level predators that roam.]
(Originally posted by me on MapleGlobal, for no apparent reason whatsoever.)
[ If you took the time to read this, tell me what you thought of it :D]
Very funny. Poor snails, they don’t stand a chance from the start. I loved this story
lmao nice one
but not even a orange mushy stands a chance against my supernoob
hahaha, omg, that made me laugh for like 2 minutes xD it would’ve made me laugh more it it were smoother, but it was till good ^.^
lmao, cool one !
hey guys! level 14 perma noobie heading your way! lmfao thats so funny man
That was gd how’s a story about vic and obris instead next?:-)
hahahahahaahhahahaha really funni!
LMAO thats so goood
aww poor lil snails
hahahhahaahhha! very creative! very funny too! so cool!
I suggest a story about junior sentinels with a few cracks at the fact that they are really bad sentinels
LMAO! Nice one! =)
Wow. Sentinals was my next idea, i have the story line plotted out in my head. Not exactly Sentinal cracks, but with sentinals and Orbis tower.
But yes, thanks for all the comments! If you took the time to read this, tell me what you think
Lmao very funny story, i liked it
keep that up
Fuuny, that is so true,
i really liked this story. i like any story thats from another point of view like urs from the monsters.