I level pretty fast in MapleStory, based on the difficulty of my class early on and being reasonably new to the game. Leveling is solely based on how well you spend your time while having fun.
My friend is CONSTANTLY online, and is only level 40. This is because he spends all his time in Henesys talking with newbies and bragging about how great Assassins are. Meanwhile, I’m talking in buddy chat, but at the same time, I’m at a Zombies map getting EXP. This is how leveling is achieved.
I have a Girlfriend, one who I didn’t meet and don’t date over the Internet (That sounds really hard to do, either that or really lame. I have no experience with it, so I guess I can’t really judge it). I have friends, and we go out and do things all the time. I’m a DJ, so naturally I go to many parties.
So all of a sudden, if I level too fast on MapleStory, some random FM person will yell “OMG LV 6X WUT A LOSER NO LIFE”, when the truth of the matter is that I probably have more of a life than him and everyone on his buddy list combined. A common self-defense mechanism is using insults to hide emotions.
Just as homophobes bash those who aren’t straight to hide their own feelings about the same gender time after time, low levels try to bash higher levels to hide their own weakness and embarassment for playing a game for many hours a day for months and having little to show for it outside of Screenshots of Kerning Party Quest.
What I’m saying is, be smart when you judge someone.
Don’t say someone has no life if you have no idea how many hours they play or what their story is.
Don’t say someone is a hacker if they have low fame and a high level (I have an average level and high fame, not talking about myself). There are things such as “Mass Defames”, and not everyone is as popular, outspoken, or friendly as you would imagine. Anyone can be a jerk, but that doesn’t mean they’ve broken the Terms of Service as hackers have.
And please, Don’t say CC PLZ. At least have the politeness to spell out the phrase in actual english.
My friend was accused of being a no life person, and it hurt her feelings. I know that she is faaar from a no-lifer, and just enjoys leveling. People play Video Games to enjoy themselves, not to be insulted by random idiots. So please, for the good of our game, Don’t judge other players by stupid things like Class, Level, Fame, or even Race and Religion and other Real life things that tie into a character and player In-game.
It’s your story. Enjoy it. But don’t ruin the story for someone else.
[Dedicated to a friend, she knows who she is]
i know how you friend feels i have several friends who just go around shooting the breeze instead of leveling that probably out play me 2-1 in hours played,
yeah people judge by the level so fast. But some people do just have no life. Noot me. >.> I have a life. ;D
FINALLY, someone who agrees with me to say “Change channels please.” in proper english. I feel your pain about being called a no life person, though I’m not above lvl 60. >_>.
yup, some1 once told me i have no life just cuz i was high lvled (and 63 isnt that high). i dont have a social life but just a few friends is enough to keep me going thru life =)
Good thoughts. Pity the morons won’t listen though.
If anyone says I have no life, I have a leg to stand on though. I started playing in October. I don’t know what my average time per day on Maple would be.
Am I the friend you’re talkin about?

You are about to recieve my first possitive comment. This is brillant, dispite that I already said all of this in a very similar blog. Masterpiece.
I have found a way to make millions upon millions. Because I spend NO time talking on this game (I have one friend on my friend’s list) I can level from 0~40 in about 10 days. Because of the level 40 quests, I can just keep doing them and restarting to redo them. Yesterday I was told I had no life for getting to level 40 in 10 days. I tried to explain to him that I play less than him, and that he cannot judge me by how bad he is (he was standing in henesys hunting grounds, talking).
Basicly, you should feel good. . .I guess. . .yea, that’ll work
lol, i just go, “Actually, my life is Basketball AND mmorpgs.”
You said it.
I bet that guy was just jealous that you were a higher level than him, don’t let jerks like that dude get to you. ;P
Agreed completely. But then again, I’m in no danger of the “no life” insult. Because I lvl hella slow.
(And I actually have a very limited social life. :-p)
Everyone has a life, it’s just that some people don’t do much with it except video games.