man today must have been my lucky day.
1. i found tobi and steelys just laying there
2. i sold my maple lama staff for 2.4 mil
3. i sold 3 sets of icys for 500k each
4. i got a bera account level 94!!1
2 thoughts on “o dang”
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man today must have been my lucky day.
1. i found tobi and steelys just laying there
2. i sold my maple lama staff for 2.4 mil
3. i sold 3 sets of icys for 500k each
4. i got a bera account level 94!!1
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~b00m headsh0t~
some one was either realy stupid to leave the stars there, or they were doing transfer. . .which still makes them stupid.
in conclusion, people are stupid. thank you.
YOU on the other hand are a lucky son of a gun.