Sorry if this is too long but read it anyway lol…. its my first series ;D
Monsters everywhere have disappeared. They are trying to take the revenge on humans for killing their brotherin. Sweat is drizzling down my face. Blood is all around me and my clan. Traitors are everywhere revealing plans to enemy armies. Yet, in the darkness a flash of light shines. This is the beginning of the Maple Wars…
It all starts in a land called Ludibridium. Their leader Alishar has hated humans forever and he has gathered all the monsters in Ludibridium, also known as Ludi, and drove all the humans out. Some of our strongest people have fallen while retreating. They couldn’t take on the might of Alishar and his army of zombie teddy bears. All the people in Ludi have been driven out. Assasins, Mages, Archers, and Warriors. Next came Ossyria, also known as Ossy. People in Orbis heard about the news from fleeing people from Ludi. Others stuck in El Nath were doomed. Yetis fought back harder. Werewolves left their grounds and starting to attack people in El Nath. Strong people also died there. For some reason Alishar became powerful enough to get monsters to leave their maps. He was also strong enough to make humans die forever. Meaning they never come back…
Some humans were lucky enough to make it to Victoria Island. The unlucky were killed by Balrogs on the way back… Victoria Island was the only place where humans could be safe now. But, in El Nath Alishar and his army unleashed another strong monster to help him with his glorious reign over humans. A monster called Zakum! Humans heard of this news and became scared. Little did humans know. There were enemy leaders in Victoria Island as well. All the humans have now fled to Henesys from Ellinia. Some have gone to Perion. Mostly all of them were in Kerning City or Sleepwood which are probably the most hardest places to get. Some of the strongest people have tried to stand against them, but have failed. All the humans have now fled… The strongest people have gone to Henesys and Kerning City to defend them because they know both of those cities have leaders hidden deep inside. In Kerning there is King Slime and in Henesys there is Mushmom.
This is where my clan came in. There were only eight of us. Our names were Dylan (a Priest), Rhawnie (Dragon Knight), twins Jesse (Cheif Bandit) and Dillon (Ice Mage), Jericah (White Knight), Alex (Fire mage), Christian (Sniper), and Rudy (the Hermit). Together we were unstoppable, but this was one of the most challenging situations we have ever been through. There were emotions running through the clan along with challenges of defending home cities and other people.Alishar and Zakum were making plans at Ossy while their armies attacked Victoria Island. First city to go in Victoria Island was Ellinia because so many people were scared and ran. All the beautiful, lush, green trees in Ellinia are now being used ase firewood and all the vines are burnt. War has befallen upon the world and lots of people have fallen. My clan was ordered to go to Ellinia and spy on the enemy’s plans. It was hard to hide from the monsters. For some weird reason all the monsters were stronger by a lot. We killed most of the monsters in our way though. The hard part was spying. At night when the enemy was asleep we snuck in their HQ in Victoria Island and found out that they were going to attack Perion and Henesys at the same time. Humans were dwindling and more reinforcements from Ludi and Ossy were still coming. Humans can’t hold the cities forever. My clan went back to Henesys and told our leader Tyler about it. He said that we would have to split up. Three of us had to go to Perion. Of the eight of us, Rhawnie, Alex, and Dillon went. They reported to us that they made it. When we got the message though we heard drums in the deep. Alex sent messages back saying that they were being attacked and we were soon going to go through the same thing… Will Henesys and Perion fall? Will any of us fail on protecting the cities? Find out next time in Love and War
P.S. Sorry if it was too long lol… if u liked it ill write part II and again sry for it being lol remember tell me if u liked it!
DUDE that was a hella good story lol i like it alot lol do number 2 already lol k nice story thou thx for putting me in there well talk to you later
Me want more now!
thx tsukkie
i think i will make part 2 lol
You better!
Well i’m working on chapter.6 and so on.
yap u two work on story and i read^^
great story, espcially about how tragic everything is and how a new group of heros are gonna emerge
more more more more more more more more more