Yeah. I’m sorta new here. Not really. o.o
I’m quite addicted to maplestory, and i don’t get to play as much as i’d like.
I’m a 57 crossbowman on windia, and i have a 93 priest.
My name is steve, i have a facebook and myspace, and i have AIM.
MSN sucks, so i really don’t use it. ._.
I’m addicted to youtube, and play FFR. A lot.
I have a wii in my bedroom, but have already beaten all of the games.
I don’t have access on my computer, so i have to go to my friends’ houses or my grandma’s.
I’m going to my grandma’s on saturday and sleeping over.
I’m hoping to gain about two levels, and by the end of summer become a sniper.
D: My screenname is omgstefan, so feel free to IM me.
I play pokemon pearl, and i can probably beat you, so ask me on AIM or comment for my code.
[Same with my myspace and facebook]
It seems that i’m going to be quite active on here, because there is nothing else to do?
My hobbies include movies, basketball, gaming, and hanging out.
I have a mudkip.
And uh..yeah.
Tiesto is awesome. If you don’t know, search him on youtube.
I like ALL music except country and opera btw. :]
I”m hoping to post here every day, and if you have any questions, just ask.
8 thoughts on “Life.”
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Lol. Welcome to MMOTales. x] But why don’t you have access to your computer? I know how you feel, having to go to your grandma’s/cousin’s house just to play Maple. D:
hi and welcome, you probably could beat me on pearl, i have yahoo, not aim sorry, to bad that you have to go to your friends house of grandma’s house, and finally i like music to, so,, WELCOME and please abide by all the rules!
I go to Grammy Gram’s house all the time, because her computer can play videos w/out them lagging the whole time and she makes great food. ;_;
I could probly beat u in Pearl, whole team of lv100’s, my parents are always at work so acces to my computer isnt a problem anymore. I love msn, how could you say that?!?! MasterCheeze, my gan makes good food too.
Welcome to MMOTales! If you have nothing good to do, read this site’s many awesome fanfics!
Some Awesome Authors: Aaru, Annikabelle (Her blogs are cool), Lazydame, AznRiceFan, me (I’m so conceited XD). Read my series!
-=The Nazgul=-
Hey Nazgul you forgot some people. >_> SilverFx and Tarheel!
Crikeys m8!
You dont have to tell us EVERYTHING about you!
Oh yea and SilverFx and Tarheal! XD
-=The Nazgul=-