

Ok so I promised my boyfriend I would slow down my leveling of my Priest a few months ago. He wants to catch up with his 72 Ice Mage or his Lv 52 Spearman so that we can actually hunt decent things together. So I stopped at Level 80 so that I could be my ultimate purple, about 3 months ago. Slow training here and there, and working on my Huntress and new F/P Wiz, I get level 81 today. I got my last 10% At the new Spiders…(They are bishes…. )

So hooray me! just too bad for him, my b-day money will be getting me 2X cards to split between my Priest and F/P >.>

7 thoughts on “TaintedKrys”

  1. EvilStranger said: “My birthday is in 3 days from now

    Congrats on 81.”

    quack-quack quAck quack quAck, quack! quack-quack quAck quack QuAck, QuAck!
    QUACK QUACK quack QUACK quack quaaaaccck.

    -Duck organ happy birthday song-

  2. Yea me and my boyfriend tried to share a sin, Lol shes Lv 36 and forgotten -.-‘ We love our mains, well he loves his secondary, too much Lol

    And Ty ty again ^.^

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