Ok so I decided to start this thing. I’ve been a Basiler since it’s start just about and said what the heck! So here’s me!
I am Missi but I prefer TK, I’m a Lv 80 Priest on Bera (TaintedKrys) I play with my real life boyfriend who I live with who prefers DAnny lol (TaintedBigs) WE started this game together 2 years ago just after Beta to get away from another MMO ((Tibia, BLAH)) And we LOVE it.
You can see my story into Priesthood by video link ((Mind you I’m still getting used to this Blogger so nothing fancy just yet))
A friend on Tibia told me about this game, he goes by Farsan on MS, so I went and tested. And I brought my boyfriend along with.
We first started settlig into random guilds but nothing fit. So Farsan invited us into his friend guild, ParadoX. WE loved it at first but Drama insued and I left angrily, never to speak to the leader again except for congratulations on our marriages within the game.
Frustrated and lonely, and feeling like losers. Me and my boyfriend made a plan to make a guild just for us, a guild that I once created on Tibia for 3 years and was my ongame family for those 3 years. It was just for me and him at the time so we thought it fit perfectly. WE had a few friends from Tibia that we brought into MS and they helped us recreate the guild that I had loved for over 3 years into my new love, Tainted Souls. At first it was great, we werent losers, guildless, and there wasnt any drama. But it got lonely, seeing tumbleweeds fly by the members list ((our Tibia friends were quickly bored)) And we decided to bring in some new people. I quickly grabbed one of my dearest friends from my old guild, who had a somewhat falling out with the leader as well. I met him on NightGaurd but now love him on TheClawMasta, my Best friend. ((Your gunna see that I have a LOT of best friends, cant put one before another I love them all so so much!!)) And with that we started grabbing random people a long the way, also whisking away my other dearest friend from ParadoX, GodSmackedme also known as Fridgey!!! we met so many nice people almost immediately, it was so much different than Tibia! I invited a lv 30 mule that famed me for free!! And it turned out that it was FireyGirl99 who became one of the best people we met! Another free famer from FM was Crackaphob, our Ash the sweetest girl ever!! Theres so many people that we pretty much invited by chance that now holds places within my heart. Heres an Intro to them ((Its about a month old we have a few new family members that arent in it, I MUST REMAKE ARGH!!!)) [url=]
So now after so much time within this Maple World, we are a wonderful little family.
Hmm wait was I introducing my Guild or me?? Lol Its all the same!! Might as well post some screens with this, huh?
I’m also Urakasha and SaiIorMarz ^^
A PRIEST! Spiffy. ♥
Welcome to MMOTALES!
Such love for your guild. .
Paragraphs would be nice.
-Throws muffins-
I’m sure you had an exciting day. Welcome to MMOTales. MMOT isn’t only about day blogs; it’s about fan-fics and comics too. Make sure you check out some of our work; some of them are amazing.
Welcome to MMOtales!
(I almost typed MMOtales to welcome. . . >>; )
Beware the auto-emotes. >D
That’s a long video for your guild. o_o I like the song.

Lol, I love the selection of songs you put into your videos! Lol, the beeping in tainted love is so cool!
Well, hope you stay a while because anyone who can make videos is just really cool in my opinion!
~LaZzz. . .(LOl, and for fan-fics, nowadays there is a ton of competition)
*Stares at chatbox on 4th screenie*
*Moves away from missi*
Wow so many nice replies! Thank you all!
@Quck, my chatbox? About sexy Baby?, I meant to say My Sexy Baby, Err if that makes it better? o.0
@Lazydame, Thanks! i LOVE music more then MS ^.^
@silverFX, yea it is a long vid but I couldnt be expressive with some and not others o.o too bad some of those pple arent in it but we have some new blah o.0 My next Guild project is a vid about our FM parties, even our nekkid ones o.o
@Eden, Tyty ^.^ I sure will
@Annikebelle, I LOVe being a priest ! WOOHOO o.0 Muffins? o.o Got Blueberry in the mix? o.0