Will Gundam SEED+Maple Story Remix Work?

Up to date, I’ve been busy with revising for Feb’s exams. Of course, I’ve been trying to continue PROJECT Stargazer and working on the prologue of LEGENDS, at the same time, when I got the time. The former’s Episode 1 will come around the weekends.

As for the main subject, it’s all in the title. I’ve been trying to think of ways to mix this anime series and MMORPG, but certain parts don’t seem to fit in.

Firstly, the ships. All the popular ships of Gundam SEED are quite difficult to redesign with MS transport ships. I considered replacing guilds, but again some parts do not fit.

Secondly, the mobile suits of Gundam SEED. Characters will take the role of fighting in place of the mobile suits. But the Strike and Impulse multiple interfaces are hard. If I were to include the combination format of Impulse, then what about the earlier problem?

That’s about all I had problems with. I hope you all can give me suggestions on this. Else, I think I’ve to call of the “Maple SEED” idea.

{ D*E*S*T*I*N*Y^P*L*A*N }

10 thoughts on “Will Gundam SEED+Maple Story Remix Work?”

  1. I know. That’s why I was wondering, should I be working on this fanfic while I got 2 other ones?

  2. Kthxbye.

    No more stories, although I think she’ll let Silver pass under the radar.


  3. nothing i suppose but i’ll stop using mmo much after next saturday since i am going back to nz(new zealand)

  4. Lolz. Those age-restriction stuff ARE EXCLUDED from the remix. I don’t intend to do anything like that!

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