Well, the title says it all, for my Delphinus character.
Actually, I’ve been wondering which path is easier and more powerful to go through, since I started my character on Delphinus more than a month ago. I thought I’d choose to be a Crusader, but I’ve got some problems with that, particularly on my battle style.
Talking about my battle style, I’ve never played as a warrior for quite a while. I’ve been training as the other 3 jobs. I’ve started out as a warrior though in Aquila, but the warrior i created is deleted. Everytime I fought close range, I often get hit by monsters, particularly in mob situations.
Sometimes it’s because the speed of my weapon is too slow (if only I can reach 2nd job, then i can solve this problem), but also because of my attack (I’ve been going on the recommended Strength +3 Dexterity +2) that I’m unable to knocked out monsters easily. Thus, my defense is also vulnerable, and I always have to use potions to heal or rest.
I understand that White Knights are defensive in nature and has magical abilities, but Crusader has the attack enhancement abilities. Should my character be a Crusader, or should I make a White Knight which has most of the close-range elemental magic options? I hope you guys can give me an opinion on this subject.
{ D*E*S*T*I*N*Y^P*L*A*N }
i actualluy would suggest dragon knight, but its all about personallly just go with your gut
Be a DK. Ultra attack at the massive sacrifice of HP.
I’m not much of a Dragon Knight fan, so I had your same dilemma with my own warrior.
You just need to ask yourself: 2nd job is important. Do you want page, who not many people like and who doesn’t have as good skills, which then gains elemental powers at the third job; or do you want fighter, who can increase his attack power, and gain powerful combo attacks in the third job. The choice is yours.
well, in 2nd job, fighter is the best of the 3 warriors.
In 3rd job, crusaders are weaker, compared to DK and WK. Crusaders only start getting strong at lvl 90+
DK is strongest in 3rd job, and then it’s WK, followed by Crusaders.
It’s your choice really,
Mage+warrior= PWNAGE.
Thanks for all the replies (though it’s too few
Anyway, listening to the “Ultra attack at the massive sacrifice of HP”, I don’t think I would choose DK yet.
But looking at the compliments for WK, I think I’ll choose that. I’ve being trying out Mages for quite some time already, so I think I’ll be fine with WK.
Thanks for all the compliments.