New game… New level… New Sights…

I’ve recently started on a new game, a game that was quite good. I’d managed to fit in myself in the mode of the game, although I don’t really like what it’s main feature is.

Audition, an online dancing battle, which was just released late last year. One of the newest MMORPGs under Asiasoft, it is unlike many other dancing games, where you have to rush on the arrow keys as the shining arrows go by in a whiz.

I like the style, in which there’s allowance for you to type in the keys first. However, one of the modes make me lag behind others every time I typed too slowly.

Still, I hate dancing.

Anyway, just a couple of days ago, my Wizard, after a few deaths under the Evil Eye’s feet, had just levelled.

About 3 deaths later, I’d managed to squeeze out of the “below 90%” obstacle and reach Level 34.

Now I’m just chasing the 2X EXP + Drop Rate time slots this month. Too bad I missed too many times; goodness knows why my comp is so lag, after I transfer files from my laptop.

Finally, today, the hot soup has finally spilled onto me. My parents got my laptop consficated, and I’m only given 2 hours to play AND type my story.


{ D*E*S*T*I*N*Y^P*L*A*N }

10 thoughts on “New game… New level… New Sights…”

  1. Aish, Audition. I’m thinking that it’s even worse than Maple in terms of twit population, but I haven’t played it yet, so I don’t know. :X
    Sides, my hand-eye coordination sucks.

    You know, when I read about the hotsoup, I thought you really spilled soup on your laptop, lol. XD

    I really need to go sleep.

  2. I was originally on of the top in Audition, until the noobs started to actually dance instead of standing around a cursing.
    Ranked 5, now ranked who knows what. Some people completely give up their lvies for some games, it’s kinda of sickening.


  3. I thought you spilld hot soup on your laptop too . >>;

    *Prepares hot-soup just in case*


  4. My brother’s girlfriend plays that. Shes very good. TOO good. So good that she got banned cause people thought she was hacking! o.0
    You might have seen here, she goes by MeoChan, and has Blue Hair.

  5. My hand-eye coordination is not that bad, but I will practically fail unless I look at the arrows on the screen.

    However, I just can’t believe it. Yesterday I’d managed >20 “Perfect” and >5 Combos, and Max 5X Perfect in one of the combos. *whistles*

    However, that’s only for <100 BGM songs.

    Too bad, I accidentally chose a GIRL when I entered. Now I can’t change it. (I’m a guy, man)

  6. i just downloaded it and u have to press the arrows hard. that makes choreography hard T_T

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