Missing the old friends…

I used to meet quite a number of friends in my MS characters. Some from parties in hunting, some anonymous, and some in the Kerning PQ. But there’s one particular person that I remembered… On the day I juz started my first account in Cassiopeia.

NOTE: I juz wanna share a past experience abt me to you guys.


A year ago… when Cassiopeia juz began, when ShinnAsukaD was born…

I was juz training at the far side of Amherst in Maple Island, poking at the orange mushrooms at the top of the place. I kept changing channels every now and then when I can’t find any orange mushrooms. When I come to one channel, I notice that particular person fighting the orange mushrooms as well.


Yup, that’s her name. When I started hitting the orange mushrooms, she was like smiling at me. Juz like what I did to those who smiled at me, I smiled back.

The next few seconds, it was like… she was asking me about my age, where am I staying…

At the last question, I was wondering like, “What the…” and I refrained from telling her where I stayed. Then she was laughing, saying…

“Ooo… you’re afraid of your gf.”

“Er… kinda” I replied.

At that time, I was juz having a crush with a girl in secondary school…

Then she wanna take a pic. We both smiled at the screen for a while.

Since that day, she was like appearing almost everytime I was online. Most of the time when she turned online, she was like saying: “Hi guys!”

Aparently, she likes flirting with guys… -_-“”

Now, she’s high up on the ranking list, while I was below. She’s 51, while I’m 28.

We nv really see each others nowadays…

Usually, as time move by since the day we started on MS, we really miss the days when we fight with our online friends… Some had quit… some were either way above or way below your level. Those time we shared with such friends…

But actually, do online friendship really last? Or is it real life friends?

I wonder…

One thought on “Missing the old friends…”

  1. o.O

    Guys do not always mean the male gender . Like this afternoon I decided to be nuts in Buddy Chat. I said :

    MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! I LOVE ALL OF YA <33333333333333333333333333333

    I mean Everyone That Is Online Or Can Hear Me In My Buddy List


    Another example .

    banditsin23 has just logged in

    Hi bandit . Happy Easter! <33333333


    To your question, it depends on how often you talk to each other . I cant bear to leave MapleSEA [Aquila]because of my friends . The way of bonding with each and every one of them is. . . to make ’em laugh . x)

    I have great friends in my Buddy List . Even though I only trained with them once or twice .

    [Edit] Thats just my opinion, though . Ignore it if you wish x)

    Annikabelle the completely worthless commenter at your service . *mock bow*


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