Help in Fan Fiction

As some had already know, I’m going to begin a fan fiction, LEGENDS at Florina Beach. But I’m having a problem with writing even the prologue.

Here’s a sneak peak at the 1st part:

“It was near midnight. The air was cool at the tall mountains in the north of Victoria Island. Very few people were awake as this time; few lights were seen at the houses and tents in the city. Several warriors were seen standing guard at the borders for the night; it was common to see night watchers at the rocky grounds.

“As time went by, the lights of the city went off one by one, as the people withdrew to their homes for a night’s rest. Soon, most of the lights were off; the lamps in the street were the only source of light in the vicinity. The only ones up were the night watchers at the border.”

Is it that my work is too descriptive? I’ve got more than 2 pages of the prologue. Please, everyone, give your comments as to how do I make it better.

3 thoughts on “Help in Fan Fiction”

  1. I don’t think it’s too descriptive; true, there is such a thing as TOO descriptive when you just get sick and tired of all the description, but I think what you’ve got is good. It sets a good background, lets people see what you want them to see in their minds.

  2. This series will be posted in Florina Beach. But I’ll provide a link for all to see once it comes out.

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