Hehah! Got another one down on my plater. And since I got rid of my writer’s block due to the blog from yesterday about that nuub….I wonder what it is called… Oh yeh! The Smart-Arse Nuub. I hope you will find it very stupid and or, funny. or stupidly funny. Or funnily stupid. or whatever. Or whatever was said in the last one. X’s 3 x 4. Yeh. You got it now.
In a world with addicting 2-d graphics, 24/7 hackers, and people who are too intellismartgent for college, there awakens a new person. His name is nArUto0546! The Smart-Arse Nuub!
One more note before we start with Scene 2- The blog title is kindof like a misnomer. A misnomer is a inappropriately named name that is the opposite of what it really means. Like for example: The smart dude, ia actually the opposite.
*noobie baby music plays*
Scene 2: Henesys Hunting Ground 1.
*We now join up with nArUto0546 at HHG1. We don’t know how the heck he got there, he’s just there.*
nArUto0546: o1121! snls1!
Rikishi: What?
nArUto0546: snls11!1@12!
Rikishi: You mean snails right?
nArUto0546: yh;
Rikishi: Ok..So what?
nArUto0546: sscrgo
Rikishi: Escargo?
nArUto0546: ooo, sssssscrgoe1!1
Rikishi: Uh, are you mentally challenged?
nArUto0546: nnnnpp i nnm smrt111111
Rikishi: Yep, you are mentally challenged.
nArUto0546: i tll mu momy
Rikishi: Go ahead.
nArUto0546: *Mom starts typing* Why are you insulting my son?
Rikishi: He just seems a bit dumb…
nArUto0546:Well, why don’t you just help him out?!
Rikishi: I did, he just didn’t accept my help.
nArUto0546: *original typer back* u hrt mi moy felis!
Rikishi: How old are you?
nArUto0546: 4
nArUto0546: ru f@t?
Rikishi: No, Rikishi is my idol..
nArUto0546: u r fyt!
Rikishi: No, you newbie. I am very fit.
nArUto0546: lir! u ft!
Rikishi: You don’t seem to smell what the rock is cookin’, huh?
nArUto0546: wo he
Rikishi: …..
nArUto0546: lk! it te by aghn!
ImAGirl: Grrr! How many times do I have to tell you? I’m a girl!!!
ImABoy: Yah she is!
nArUto0546: 2 bys?
ImABoy: Phew, atleast he knows I am a boy.
nArUto0546: nmv, u gil.
ImABoy: Me or her?
Rikishi: ….
*ImAGirl’s and ImABoy’s guild*: We gonna defame yo butt out of this game, noob!
nArUto0546: mi/?
Guild: Yees!
nArUto0546: yoh1! i famus!
Guild and Rikishi: Wow, his first long word! Eehehehahah!
nArUto0546: *Gets defamed 26 times*
Rikishi: He would be defamed 27 if I hadn’t famed someone earlier.
Guild: Who?!
Rikishi: A newb who actually needed help.
nArUto0546: Hckr!
Rikishi: dummie!
nArUto0546: u1!1!!11@3!2
Guild: *Laughs at nArUto0546 stupidty*
nArUto0546: hckrs!
Rikishi: <_>
nArUto0546: i wt hcks1@324&*6433@#!
Guild: Nuu!
WizetGM: I am banning all of you for hacking.
Guild and Rikishi: Why us!?
WizetGM: Cause this helpful newbie named nArUto0546 reported all of you.
Guild and Rikishi: But we didn’t hack!!
WizetGM: Yah ya’ll did.
Notice: Rikishi and the entire SpearHeaders Guild has been banned for hacking.
nArUto0546: Ya i nt bnd’
WizetGM: Carry on.
nArUto0546: i lke snls! i lke stp n snls!
nArUto0546: *walks on snails and dies*
nArUto0546: dmn!
Random person: Don’t curse!
nArUto0546: wht3vr/.;’
If you read this blog hard enough, you will see that Wizet’s GM sucks. Why do you think Nexon took over Wizet?
Edit: I made ImAGirl say that she is a boy. Sorry, typo! I have corrected it.
Edit2: I took the original scene 2 and added it here. Hehe longer!
Haha 😀 That made me laugh my spleen out.
Nice job <3
2 bys? lol.
funnah funnah funnah funnah
you pwn
Unfortunatly, hackers in GMS don’t get banned.
*overdose of laughter*
Wow, u sound so much like a noob, i think maybe u actually are one XD
i want more! =]]