Yo, I got the goods, boss.
You: Show ’em.
*Opens box* Look at it, boss.
You: Holy crap. I bet this thing would cost a fortune if we sold it.
You betcha, and all we have to do is show the people of the world how great this is.
You: Yeh, and we sure gonna make millions!
*Takes out item* Damn, this is so shiny. . .
You: *Breaks out of character* Could it be. . .Smart-Arse Nuub 14?!?!?!
Smart-Arse Nuub 14. Who would have known it would have come right now, randomly from out of nowhere. I know you lot was dying for one of these cancer sticks, right?
So here it is, Smart-Arse Nuub Scene 14. So spectacular, it is. So shiny and bright, it is. So addictive and so hard to read, it just is. So once again, here it is, Smart-Arse Nuub Scene 14!
In a world where literacy rules the earth, grammar nazis are right around the corner drugstore, and coffee is always a must, there awakens a new person. Stronger, better, stealthier, and as horrible at typing than ever, his name is nArUto0546, the Smart-Arse Nuub!
[Notice from Music Editor]: We have currently ran out of CD disks to use to play with our CD player. But someone did lend us a song to play. They are holding us at gunpoint. . .and we must play it. *gulp* So. . .h-h-here it goes.
I love you
You love me
Lets get together and hug Barney
With a great big clutch and very little hands
Won’t you join in with me, friends?
Note to all of those people already signed up for guest spots on my blog: I had lost the list of people I had to go onto the show, so if you wanna be included, please email my MMOTales account and say you wanna be in it. Thank you everyone.
The contents inside of this blog is only for parodying and satirical purposes only. Do not take any of this story seriously. If you flame, you have been warned.
Scene 14-MMOTales.
nArUto0546: woiwow ths webste su bleu nda stuffd11!11 i wnna sing upu1
(a couple minutes later)
nArUto0546: *Reads the introduction blog* whu iz ta capatin//???
(spends a couple more minutes writing a blog)
nArUto0546: uk nwo let s3e whio gunta awnsre meh lozl
Dest1: Hey, I know you! You’re one of the characters from one of my story blog things!
nArUto0546: wooowww i ish famuz11111!!1“~~
Dest1: Wait wait, you shouldn’t be stealing my material!
nArUto0546: wut/? u nut makng art o.oo
Dest1: I meant my blog material, see I have a character named nArUto0546, just like you. And you stole my stuff!
nArUto0546: whu isz naurto045632323/?
Dest1: He’s you!
nArUto0546: yey i famuzzz1111
RandomMMOTaler: Eh, ignore Dest1. He’s always getting on people’s high horses on “stealing his ‘copyrighted’ material.”
nArUto0546: lo yehaz edst1 u r wrunggggg!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!
Dest1: I hate you all.
nArUto0546: haet iz suh a hrsh wurdd u suld ues doisluike
RandomMMOTaler: Yes, dislike.
Dest1: You shouldn’t be even getting on my case anyway, you always flame little newbies on how good they should type!
RandomMMOTaler: Yeah right.
Dest1: Oh how I dislike you. *heads off towards forum*
nArUto0546: wuw u shuwed hem1 bt nu 1 asnwer mah qestiun yet
RandomMMOTaler: . Anyway, Captain was the creator of this site. He owns alot of other sites, too. One for example is Basilmarket.com. It has been highly successful over the past couple of years.
nArUto0546: yeyeyeye thnksz uuu111
RandomMMOTaler: You’re welcome. But I’ll inform you on how to not get flamed too badly on this site.
nArUto0546: kk i listenz
RandomMMOTaler: You should improve your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Write longer blogs and keep questions inside the forums. Follow these three basic rules and you’ll be home free. The rest of the rules are on the link at the top of the page called ‘Help’.
nArUto0546: yeyeye thanzk uuuu!!!`1
RandomMMOTaler: You’re very welcome. Now, I’m off to the forums! WHOOSH! UP UP AND AWAY!
nArUto0546: he suer nicee yeye i hup i geta bteza atteh bulg mkng. . b
(a couple excruciatingly spam-filled weeks later)
RandomMMOTalersWithFlameSwords: Get outta this website!! *Starts stabbing sword at nArUto0546*
nArUto0546: owwwie tht huts11
RandomMMOTalersWithFlameSwords: We will stop burning you if you leave!
nArUto0546: butbutubt i luke iot hre11 ppl accpt meh 4er whu i iz11!1!1!!
RandomMMOTalersWithFlameSwords: Okay then men and women. . .THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA!!!
nArUto0546: omgf i lurv tht mmovei
RandomMMOTalersWithFlameSwords: *Charges and dangerously bruises nArUto0546 to death*
nArUto0546: wqaaaaaaa mmommy
TheModThatOwns: You people have hurt an innocent person! BANNANATION set in T-minus 20 seconds.
RandomMMOTalersWithFlameSwords: Nuuu! *Bannedationed*
nArUto0546: yeyeye thanskz11
TheModThatOwns: Thank you.
nArUto0546: *Makes more blogs* YEYEYEYEYEY
Dest1: *Comes out of the forums* Woah, what I miss?
After about a couple more weeks later, Dest1 now has a nuub clone army that has taken over MMOTales by storm. It all started when Dest1 brainwashed nArUto0546 into being Dest1’s servant. Dest1 then found out new cloning technology, and cloned nArUto0546 a billion times. The MMOTales front page and forums are now forever filled with spam and total nuubanation.
The Mod that banned all of the original MMOTalers tried to ban all the clones, but there were too many. The nuubs pushed her out of the website. She then tried to barge back in by using a machete and cutting through the billions of nuubs guarding the website. She was successful, till a coyote ate her.
The banned MMOTalers went back to non-stop Mapling, FlyFFing, ROing, Runescaping, and other online games. Then after a long while, they decided to meet up again with each other and plan an attack on Dest1’s nuub army. They were unsuccessful, having killed off by Dest1’s cannons (which nuubs were used as cannons).
(A year later)
Dest1: WAHAHA! I am in total control! MWAHAHAHA!
Dest1: *In a whiney tone* Moooooommmmmm, ina minuuttteeee!~
And there you have it, Scene 14!
I hope you lot enjoyed it, or you will face the wrath of my nuub army! MWAHAH-
Dest1’sMother: GET OFF THE @#$%&!% COMPUTER!!!
EDIT: Thank you all for the 3,000 MMOID reads!
If only nArUto0546 was a real person
If only
Wasn’t that the title of Silver’s short story?
lozl ur nub
this is all i have to say, O_O
LOL! This was really funny!