The Smart Arse Nuub comic!

Holy crap. I don’t think I would have even seen this day coming. The Smart Arse Nuub comic is about to arrive soon! But for now, I will give you an intro to the comic. Enjoy.

Also, I will be continuing the written series. Don’t expect one to come right after the other. The story and comic will take alot of effort and lots of my free time away (not that I have that much). So, you better like it or I will friggin crush all of your bones off. One. By. One.


I also put in a little special edit in the photos. First one to find it and comment on my blog gets a chicken nugget >D

14 thoughts on “The Smart Arse Nuub comic!”

  1. EL OH EL OH EL.

    Not bad.

    I feel like setting my army of spiderpigs on your nub Narut0. Then stamp him to pieces.

  2. The story and comic will take alot of effort and lots of my free time away (not that I have that much). So, you better like it or I will friggin crush all of your bones off. One. By. One.

    Of course, everyone’s work takes alot of spare time. We make comics and blogs for fun, not that we’re forced to >.>

  3. GAH! I’m about to pee myself. That is how excited I am. Can I be in the comic? D: I want to hit the nub with a blow-up bat!

  4. My mom forces me to write on MMO!
    She says she’ll take an apple and shove it in my eye socket if I don’t keep writing blogs!
    Get me outta here! I don’t like any of you! I’m just forced to like you all!

    ~LaZzz. . .(Seriously, I’m jokin!)

  5. ShiningWings said: “My mom is scarier.

    Especially when she’s mad. Angry Asian moms are very VERY scary. T.T”


  6. lol my mums only scary when she trie to choke me or punch me. besides that, im not all that scared of her.

    i respect my mummy =O not many ppl can do what she does >____>;;;


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