Teh All Screenies Blog

A bunch of face editing, this blog is just gonna be a bunch of screenshots, no words, except for the starting couple of sentences! Admire all of them and my super uber editing power using MSPaint! Yep, MSPaint! I toally rock. And also some other screenies that I had taken earlier in the month, super uber sour gummy watery goodness! That it is. So, be prepared for the best face editing in your life! And other screenies that are super uber sour gummy watery goodnesser!


The GM speaks.

Maple Face Edit 1

I did a bad thing to everybody. . .

Too much mesos

Face Edit 2

O_O Edit

Another Face Edit

Another. . .

Omg finally the last one

And thank you, that basically wraps it up.

Oh no! More words!

I gotta stop writing. . .

*Chops off fingers*

~Dest1 Productions. . .Damn copyright protestors. . .

10 thoughts on “Teh All Screenies Blog”

  1. If the average BasilMarket visitor was here…

    BasilMarketer said: “zomgsolameitsfunnylolololol”

    Funny though

  2. BasilMarket said: “OMG SO PRO EDIT LAHHHH. not.”

    But I won’t say that. . . the edits were. . . unique. =]

    Or just damn righteously funny. XD

    Oh and remove the C NAO! You can’t just slap it anywhere you want. >.>


    * gazes dreamily *

    * snapped out of dream *

    * gets into another dream where warriors rule (x *

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