Today, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and family, is the day MMOTales was first created, by Captain, also known as Mr.Basil. The months have passed, and now we arrive here, one year later, to find a utopia of sorts, with hundreds of spectacular ( and horrible ) blogs that have been on the front page many, many, many times. Although this site has gone through rough times of endurance, intelligence, and stamina, we all made it through. But we still have lost members of our crew to many reasons.
Such people of these are Waffle, who left us due to the amazing amount of hackers and rudeness that has overcome our beloved game, MapleStory. I would also add JesusFreak, who was the most famous writers of MMOTales. . .ever! Unfortunately, he has dissapeared due to a bad thing he had done ( I am not sure of this, I wasn’t here for long enough ) But fortunately, he has reformed under a new name, known as Hidden. Those people will be remembered, and they will be forgotten, but we will all get past the hard times this fabulous site has overcome. For all of you other MMOers, please remember that you are also as important as these people. Don’t come to me whining about it either o.o
Anyway, on to my MMOdays.
Err. . .There isn’t much to talk about here, it’s just I’m in a guild video that a Jr.Master is making. Gonne suuuhweetweetweetweetweet! Please excuse the repetition, I feel like I should excercise my fingers for once. I
I had created a new Archer account, known as F6Airo, that is on Khaini. It is a remake of Dest1, who I screwed with over and over and over and over again. . .NO! NOT THAT KIND OF SCREWING! Q( >_
I saw a guild called EternalAngel in Khaini also. . .It had a yellow star for the emblem, and a noob was in it. o.o Yah. . .I’m pretty sure Aliyah or another other members of the original EternalAngel take a look at that.
I can fund my noob archer!
I can laugh at the noobs that call me a noob then regret what they’re saying!
*Hugs self*
*Squeezes too hard and falls unconcious*
Blargh, enough of that. Anyway, that’s all I can say, have a nice day! Say and day rhymes!
Happy MMOTaling and Mapling, or FlyFFing, or ROing, or. . .oh what the hell.
~Dest1 Procductions©
This link is for muffin lovers
First blog to be frontpaged besides Captain’s blog
*Breaks open the booze and lets the parakeets out of their cages*
*Does all the other stuff intended for such an event*
Stupid screenshots won’t work!
Hurray for MMOTale’s first birthday!
*Zhlon and I open party poppers*
*Let free parakeets*
More birds, more luck~~ =D

And it is not “Ragnoraking” it is Ragnarok! And it is ROing
The First Blog Aside from Captain’s to be Frontpaged
T3h 1337 bl0g!
Dang it. >=O I thought JF actually left forever, so then I got bored of MMOTales and left. Then I came back, and finally decided to make a MMOTales Account.
Yay! Happy birthday!
wait till its MMO’s 18th birthday.
Then I’ll be the host if you know what I mean.
No know, I was looking at all those names.
And I do believe they left. .
The Legacy of the Captain
I’m way ahead of everyone in the whole “party” deal.
I’m currently drinking root beer and listening to Adam Sandler songs off my PSP, and I have yet to change out of pajamas. . . . allll right.
NU WAY . IM CLEBRATING BY LIKEING THIS BLOG .WOOTS . Happy b-dae mmo ^^ WOnder what it’ll be like on its 50th bdae ehs ?
It’s been a year already? o_O
I came here in June last year. XD
Awww! Happy One Year’s Anniversary everybody! XD
I miss Waffle and JF as well. They were the awesomes ♥
And a poser EternalAngel guild, eh? *narrows eyes* How lame. Ah well, we changed our Guild emblem from the yellow star to a white heart, but if I see the noob on Khaini ever, he’s going down
Also, congratulations on being in the video =) Sounds exciting! I think I might stalkzor you on Khaini one day
i rememebr the fist time someone posted a blog in MMoTales, lol it was so fun back then, with a bunch of people who actually cared for your problems, and everyone was al3ways on your side, and we never really had to many flame wars
WEll, congratz anyway MMoTales, congratz