Maple Website

Ok, I have tried going to, and my computer browser does not load it. I then try doing, but I can’t read korean. If there is a link to the American webiste please tell me!!! And in my last post, someone put in a link where I can go to the website, but it didn’t work. So dont do yourn -.- to me!!!


Also, the ball that my mouse uses to move gets stuck alot. <___<

10 thoughts on “Maple Website”

  1. It’s like or something like that. I heard they were firing all the Wizet GMs since they never really did their job (so I’ve heard) and getting new ones from Nexon. That’s only what I’ve heard, though.

  2. No, thats not true. It’s like the Google/Youtube take-over.
    Nothing will change that will affect us.
    If something does, prepare the pitchforks.


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