What a good day today! I had gotten on Maple and played for about three hours before I had disconnected from the game server. I’ll start off this blog as soon as I as start of the blog with an introduction or beginning or whatever that is all squishy and smooth. Okay, that deserves a O_O properly. *Gets pushed into a ditch and dies*. . .That was uncalled for, damnit! Can you pass me my laptop from up there then?! *Some dude throws laptop into ditch and breaks it* Okay, what the hell. Now I can’t blog, let alone type. Wait, then how come this is here? And aren’t I supposed to be dead? Isn’t pie a delicacy? Isn’t keyboards made of wood? Isn-*Some dude starts interupting me* HOOPLA! HOOPLA! HOOPLA! Zomg, stop interupting m-HOOPLAAA-*Hits dude in the head with a brick* Ah, that’s better. Err. . .That’s enough of the introduction. On with teh blog.
Anyway, as I said in the second sentence in the blog, I said I had gotten onto MapleStory on my Khaini account, Dest1 (If you didn’t already know). I was greeted by a bunch of “Hi Dest!” from the Buddy Chat and the Guild Chat. I decided to talk to ’em about random stuff, leveling, getting hit in the crotch, music, etc, etc. I eventually got bored and decided to stalk some known MMOers, but to no result, I failed at finding anyone but TheLastCor, who was unfortunately AFK. Ahh well, there was nothing to do in Scania anyway. So I decided to get on Bera, where I had a level 10 thief (( now level 11, I had leveled him. )), who was unfortunately unfunded. So I logged on, —>DIED
So, I after that, I decided to do some quests, with some help from a mage who kindly helped me kill Stumps. We then went our separate ways, as he headed towards Perion, and me towards Ellinia. I headed towards the Slime Tree (( Freaking eggs, again. . .So annoying )), and killed some Slimes. A nice thief had gave me some free slimes so I could finish my quest. Oh wait, I forgot to state which quests I did. I did the “I’m Bored 1 and 2” quests (( The one with Icarus )), and “The Stump Horror Story” with that girl with Amnesia in Perion. I eventually leveled, and after that, I went to eat dinner, which the game had DCed me.
Moral: There are still nice folk in MapleStory, you just gotta be able to find them. ^_^
I didn’t get a SS of me leveling, but I did get some other SSes.
Screenshot 1: Help me fund my character pl0x
Screenshot 2: I was trying to rob some arrows. >_>
Screenshot 3: Someone is trying to be me. They couldn’t resist my smexy-ness. Note that is not my account. Just a Dest1 wannabe. ZOMG I HAVE FANS! o_o
And that’s the end of teh “Good experience” blog that I made today. Have a good night, afternoon, morning, or whatever. GOSH!
~Dest1 Productions™
Hope you enjoy Bera.
Dest1 Wannabe.
You like to mooch off people ;D [coughgousethat200kcough]
200k? o_o I said 20k!
~Grimno (Teh moocher)
Lol. I’ll fund you in Bera. As soon as fund my self.
Hey Dest! I’ll send you like 280k, just tell me which char to send it to
(Oh and, remind me on MSN to do that
((Oh wait, what’s your MSN o.o))
Send it to Dest2 o.o
I don’t got MSN, unfortunately.
*Prepares flame shield*
*Shoots a water-gun at Dest*
*Gets squirted with water gun*
Damn flame shield didn’t work!
*Gets a water shield*
Yarr. Come to Broa. ;D
Hit me up on Bera. I’ll fund you like umm 300k?
PM me sometime.
Lol. Hit you up.
I was thinking of something else which probably wouldn’t make sense ‘cuz I don’t think you’re a gal. o.o
I was thinking of something else which probably wouldn’t make sense ‘cuz I don’t think you’re a gal. o.o
o.o I’m a guy for future refrence.
Yah then this is akward.
Umm I don’t have anything to say. o.o
You and the wannabe look alike, what could it be? the feminine side?