All this talk about hackers.

All this talk about hackers worries me. The GM’s seem to be doing their job, I mean, they even posted a GM blog on They have said they have been discret about their banning, and giving off a warning and blah blah blah. Now if the GM’s are going to impress me, they got too show some work and effort into their banning.

Now I have something else too say. All this ranting about hackers and such, why doesn’t everyone just go to a hacker, take report them, and take a screenshot? It’s so darn simple! And only if you can report only once a day, you can always still take the screenshot and send in a report on the website! And don’t tell me you don’t have Internet Explorer. Cause then how did you even get MapleStory?! And don’t tell me you deleted Internet Explorer, cause thewn how could you even keep up with latest news and such?!

And now, I personally tell you that if you want too keep hackers away, report them immediately, send a screenshot to Nexon, and wait for the blue chat line to come up. Either that, or look up the banned list for your world.

I know hackers ruin everything, but you gotta stop complaining, work your little fingers to that mouse and press the report button. If you don’t, then why complain?!

GM’s are trying too do all they got, but you still gotta give hope for them. I personally think they shouldn’t be so secretive about their banning, or rumors will spread around MapleStory saying that the GM’s are lazy. If they don’t become less secretive, then more people will hack, and the GM’s will have more work too do!

And one more important thing I have too say. Have you ever decided too scan around this website as of late? Cause recently, I saw advertisements of Meso Generators and Free Power Leveling. That isn’t hacking, that’s scamming, and of the same importance value.

I also saw on a Maple help site that there were hacks that were being advertised at the top, bottom, and the side of the page. I know you don’t want too look around the website, and just go and read blogs, but I’m telling you, this website has Meso Generator adverts, and PowerLeveling adverts.

And that ends my rant. I have released all I could say. Please enjoy your time at MMO, and please be safe!

And yes, I know, I repeated alot of stuff in this blog, but you get my drift.


And an old christmas picture I made with a friend.

And GameGuard being mean to me.

And offtopic note, if you go to your MapleStory folder and go to the GamGuard folder, you will see a JPEG image of the GameGuard mushroom there. Right click it, press edit, edit the picture, and save it. Whenever you load MapleStory, that image will pop up from now on.

And another note that is kinda related to this blog: I found two viruses in my computer. Good thing I scanned my computer.

14 thoughts on “All this talk about hackers.”

  1. I report a hacker everyday, or if I used up my report, I find the closest person to me and get him to report them. And also, just cause you don’t have Internet Explorer doesn’t mean you can’t access the websites. I use AOL and it works perfectly.

  2. About the Internet Explorer part.

    I hate IE. IE7 < IE6 < FF for me -__- cause for whatever reason, IE7 takes like 3 minutes to display the homepage. . and I checked, I have no viruses or anything.

    And of course, IE6 went poof after I downloaded IE7.

    And so I mostly rely on others to keep me up on the ‘latest news’.


    And no wonder!

    So far 19 new stuff has been added to my comp.

    I gotta clean these stuff up!

  4. Well, Captain needs money to keep the servers running. MMOtales seems to have a pretty fast server.

  5. There is something in one of the updates titled: Promises Delivered
    In the future there is a slight chance we might get more than 1 report a day
    But it isn’t promised, it is just a “maybe you’ll get this, but don’t get your hopes up” thing.

  6. If you edit that picture, it will only come out one time, if you didn’t notice GG downloaded another one >_>

    Don’t believe me? Open MS twice, you’ll see the pic has been changed when you run MapleStory the second time xD
    But there is a way to block that. . not telling though 😉

  7. About the Meso Generator and Power Leveling ads on Maple help sites . . . I noticed they use Google ads. *Glares at ad right above comment box.* Maybe Google puts those ads on websites that have certain keywords in it.

    Just a theory >.<

    In Promises Delivered, I also saw that we may start getting rewards for reporting hackers :O

  8. Hey popsicles.

    Okay, I’ve been off MMOT for a while. (If you didn’t notice, that’s okay.)
    I was just wondering
    After the ‘Promises Delivered’ update (the most recent one), was there any commotion?

    I want to know how the community as a whole reacted.
    Lately I’ve been enclosed in the small box of Bellocan, and all we know is that we didn’t like that update </3
    Three of our top LEGIT players banned while more, higher hackers are still around.

    So how did everyone else take it, if you don’t mind updating me?

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