Hi everyone, Dest1 is here. Today was one of the most bestest days I have ever had on MapleStory, since the only thing I do in MapleStory is do nothing. So, this is gonna be a blog about my day, you don’t see this often!
I got off from school and went to the Target to buy a NX Cash card. They were all sold out of the 10k ones, but they had a whole rack of the 25k ones, so I just got one and bought it. The cashier was an old guy, and was all wrinkly. I was scared. *Shivers* Anyway, I got back home and turned on my laptop and turned to the Nexon Website and entered in the card’s pin code. It worked! I was all giddy and immediately closed the browser and turned on Maple. I logged on, did all the usual stuff, and went to the Cash Shop. I started picking my clothes seen in SCREENY ONE.
I got out of the Cash Shop, and saw that Vicelin was on. So I decided to help her train her perma-beginner for a while, at the sametime having her laugh her head off at me for making my character look like a drunkard with a slingshot, which is also said in SCREENY ONE.
After then, Vicelin went off, and I decided to wander around, when soon a whole rack of GM Notices pop up showing a whole bunch of people being banned. Conspiracies say that they only ban people cause Nexon just made a profit, which they did, I bought a NX Card. See SCREENY TWO. and look at my smega thing!
Then, an old friend came on, perhaps one of my most best friends I ever met on Maple, and the most literate. We hung out for a while, he logging off. So then, I was alone again, with nothing to do but go on MMOTales
Well, that’s all I did nothing much. Expect the Dest1 comic to come out on Saturday March 3, 2007.
I’m going big time!
LOL, you’re sober right now? Right? XD
Blazesin, I believe vicelin was a girl, since forever. Don’t worry, it took me a long time too >.<
suddenly, EVERYTHING makes sense
I didn’t say she was a boy! D<
I didn’t say she was a boy! D<“
yeah but the name vicelin screams ‘guy’ to me
like jeeze i really thought she was a he and i talked to her like a guy
Bleh, the “Vice” gives the “guy” part away.
vice is guyie
“Vice City”
What I said.
Cause I Pwn Joo At noticing stuff.
vice president -_-
What the crap?! My character was banned! In that screenie, you can see that my character is banned! How did this happen?!
Well, I’m just full of it there~I don’t even have a character in Khaini. I hear you’re making a comic, Dest. Hope it’s good. I do believe I’ll pop one out tomorrow. I got a few ideas for it.
im wondering is vicelin is going to kill us because were talking bout her?
Well, I’m just full of it there~I don’t even have a character in Khaini. I hear you’re making a comic, Dest. Hope it’s good. I do believe I’ll pop one out tomorrow. I got a few ideas for it.
Which character would that be? I don’t think its listed in your MMOID.
Well, I’m just full of it there~I don’t even have a character in Khaini. I hear you’re making a comic, Dest. Hope it’s good. I do believe I’ll pop one out tomorrow. I got a few ideas for it.
Which character would that be? I don’t think its listed in your MMOID.”
Read the line where it says “I don’t even have a character in Khaini.”