For some darned reason, I want to put off my homework and do a blog. I have a sudden craving to make some suggestions on how MapleStory can be made a better place, from new items to new maps. I also got some of these ideas from blogs I browsed through on my free time. If only I was strong enough to give this list of suggestions to Wizet/Nexon.
1.NX Cash weapon for Archer: Guns.
2.Add some monster areas for Amoria.
3.Make a new map where the map changes everytime the real life seasons change.
4.NX Cash weapon for Mages: Transparent weapons so the spell your using looks like it is coming from your hands.
5.A one day event in the NX Cash place where you can buy a selection of NX stuff for mesos.
6.GMS: 2x exp cards!
7.Hire more GameMasters, DAMNIT!
8.New Quest for all jobs: Help a kid find his glasses, prize will be 5k exp, and eyeglasses that are either: 1+ accuracy, magic attack, weapon attack, weapon defense, etc, etc, same as Rudolph’s Red Nose, but won’t expire.
9.Make a 7-11 type store in all of the continents, but make it called 24-7.
10.NX Cash item for Swordsman: Transparent sword or other type of swordsmen swords, so it seems like your fighting with your fists.
11.NX Cash Item: Dog Nose.
12.NX Cash Item: Mini Thantos pet, but cuter!
13.New item: Scooter, makes your speed +20 while you are driving the scooter.
14.Make a continent where it mainly composes of towers. A tower for levels 1-15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-55, and so on and so forth…it will be called The 10 Towers. The towers will be marked to show the level of monsters inside each one.
15.Make MapleHouses! Like Runescape!
16.Adding from number 16, have a furniture store.
17.Lower the prices for weddings.
18.Raise the security for cursewords, so no one can curse anymore! *People gets torches*
19.Put the other versions MS on each official MS website. (Like link, or link..)
20.Track a person’s computer where the person is hacking from, and ban that computer from making accounts.
21.Hackers should let people loot them..xD
23.From number 13: Like the scooter, add new forms of transportation!
24.Make an old-school China map.
25.Have face coupons where they allow you to change your face to match another person’s face.
26.A face scanner so you can make an animated form of your face and put it as your Maplehead.
27.Have 1% scrolls, very good stat addition! Example: +50 hp, +20 dex and 40+ accuracy, etc, etc.
28.Look at number 27.
29.Look at number 28.
30.Use this list and send it to Wizet/Nexon, and tell them to use it!!
Edit:31. This one is from Guruji: 31. Have a contest where you make your own equip and Nexon makes it for your character only. Check out their Guru the Weaponsmith blog here: link
That’s all I got. =D
Hoped you enjoyed it.
31. Have a contest where you make your own equip and Nexon makes it for your character only. (check out my Guru the Weaponsmith blog)
However, I doubt Nexon would care for us. Nexon = Exxon = Nexxon. They probably have funded many lobbyist groups bent on changing the name USA into Ossyria. or Oilssyria
Comments. . .
1. They already have NX guns in other versions of Maple.
5. It would have to be even more limited than one day for Nexon not to lose money.
6. Nope. Nuh uh. No. I deny it. =]
9. Well they kinda already have the 24 hr mobile store in Ant Tunnel.
13. In KMS Tespia they’ve got some gigantic boars for you to ride; very similar to scooter idea.
18. There’s always gonna be a way around it.
26. Maplehead. Nice phrase. XD
27. that would make weapons too godly.
ppl would just keep using em till 1 works and 10%/60% em all
20. if its a public comp?
24. they have a china map thingummy in Taiwan. good exp for i/l mages =D
13. they would make it gacha items x.x
8. kinda good, will lower inflation rate, but might not work
6. too cheap. i never want em to come out >=O (hackers = lv to 150 in like 1 day)
Hahaha, Trust me. They WILL have Ak47’s as archer NX Cash.
They have them in KMS.
[6] I think 2x Exp Cards are unfair for people who can’t get NX D:
[20] I share a computer T.T I don’t wanna get banned if someone hacks >.<
nice ideas ^_^
27- Impossible to get to work , 1%!?!?!?! People will be just wasting money , But other then that , Very Good
Come on, maple story is a business, not just a game, get real!
Wizet (or nexon) will not just give you stuff just because you request for it, unless its NX.
Anyway without 2x exp I’m sure many people would have quit maple story, including me and annikabelle =X
27- What’s the point? 5hitty scrolls just produce 5hitty results.
They should have NX intercourse.
This can be a test to see how many horny no-life teenagers there actually are.
The Maplestory+runescape thing is totally, horrible. Runescape is, not very fun. Lets leave it at that. Just don’t post that idea again. I hate Runescape.
No, seriously. You like towers that much? O_O
4. Magic Claw would look so cool with that.