Hacks killing the Maple World!!


Seriously though, this hacker problem NEEDS TO BE FIXED. And I mean now. I’ve seen so many hackers lately, ITS MAKING ME SICK! Whats the point of training hard, trying to fly through the ranks, when Hackers are just gonna come by and vack hack you to death?!?! Windia is crawling with hackers, and I seriously doubt that these idiotic script kiddies are EVER gonna stop!

If Wizet doesn’t do SOMETHING SOON to fix this major problem, the cash shop and GM events will become non-existent, and so will MapleStory. Because we don’t want MS to be a hackers playground, were ALL asking YOU, Wizet, TO MOVE YOUR LAZY ARSES AND STOP THE HACKERS!!!!!

P.S. Check out my hacker pics/other blog!

12 thoughts on “Hacks killing the Maple World!!”

  1. LOL you’re a freakin NOOB!
    None of the picture tells that someone is a hacker!
    1st Pic: Someone Logging In
    2nd Pic: Someone with haste throwing coins
    3rd pic: Some new Maplers killing snails
    you’re a fckin noob

  2. , plz look at them again,
    1st pic: The guys flying (read above post)
    2nd Pic: Obviously a fly hacker (common spot)!
    3rd Pic: The portal, ? The 4 mushs (green and orange) IN THE SAME SPOT?!?!?!

    I just don’t think you can see very well,

  3. Uhm, none of these look to me like hackers, ‘cept the 3rd.

    The first one looks like someone logging in. That’s a common spawn spot, and if he stayed there for a long time, he was just lagging. If he was REALLY way way up high, then it would be a hacker.

    The 2nd one, even I can do that. I’m a 67 bandit. Just turn on haste and jump and you can throw stuff up there.

    The third one, I’m fairly certain it’s a vaccer fooling around by trying to suck them all to the portal, so when someone comes in, they die.


  4. -.-;
    anyone can throw stuff up there. I do that all the time to watch noobs squirm and attempt to reach the top

  5. LMAO ok thx for explaining the 2nd one (but this guy was flying ALOT. AND I’m 100% SURE hes a hacker).

  6. YoMomma said: “LOL you’re a freakin NOOB!
    None of the picture tells that someone is a hacker!
    1st Pic: Someone Logging In
    2nd Pic: Someone with haste throwing coins
    3rd pic: Some new Maplers killing snails
    you’re a fckin noob”

    Firstly, this is flame.
    Secondly, Henesys Hunting Ground 1 doesn’t have Orange and Green Mushrooms on the bottom,
    They’re not the best SS’s ever. The first one you could’ve let him jump a little higher before taking a screen shot.

    Also, ‘YoMamma’ look at the ‘Note’ above the text bar here.

  7. Hey hey, calm down.

    I know hackers are a bad thing,

    But don’t take them so seriously.
    Don’t care about what they’re doing.
    Is it affecting you?
    Sure sure, ranks and all that. But ranks aren’t everything.
    At least you can say that you’re level XX and you’re proud of being legit!

    But just chillax :]

  8. At Least I was right for the 1st and 2nd Picture
    For the 3rd one, I didnt see cause the warp made the mushies blurry

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