Well, it took me longer than I planned, but my internet was down for a week (stupid Bell Canada). BUT! I GOT LVL 30! Now I’m gonna go ks some noobs with Arrow Bomb (I’m a hunter!!)
See ya!
P.S. Don’t flame me for ksing noobs, I won’t do (too) much damage =)
Gratz for making 2nd job!
Stick with your hunter to 3rd job and you’ll pwn eveyone else.
Congratgulation on getting to lvl 30 and becoming a hunter
Hunters rules the shoes!
Wait till you get soul arrow, then you get unlimited missiles! Imagine what Certain Rulers of the World will do to get their hands on those.
I mean. Ah, nevermind.
Yeah, and arrow bomb rocks.
Gratz on becoming a hunter! You’re almost halfway to becoming lvl 70!
good luck.
good job my assasin became one this week too yay XD
slow lvling for me though cuz i have stupid time limits i can only be on the computer for 1hr and 40 minutes a day it sux! =l
~ gratz!

Becoming a Hunter was the happiest day of my life on MS. xD I felt like I was on top of the world.
Congratulations kid, and welcome to the community of Hunters.
~ Panda
Many congratulations! Welcome to the archer cult. =p
And, hey, in 10 levels, you get the piratey-looking outfit. Also, have fun with the AoE that is actually useful to the archer class in second job. ~_^
grats to you!
good luck on the 3rd
THANKS EVERYONE! It was actually alot of fun playing today, everyone was treating me like a pro xD So cool being 2nd job now! =)