-air guitars-
-smashes guitar over Elton John’s head-
my wats that thign that bandits are famous for is now close to being 1337!! =D and also the lowest hit i can now hit is
96!!! yea i probably messed uip sumwhere but hey im having fun being a STR bandit! =) plus i like the Angelic
yeah. a lil bit earlier i was real;y really happy and hyper. and then for some reason, it all cam ecrashin down. nothing really HAPPENED but my mood just fell and fell till i wanted to scream and cry and sob. and i wasnt really revealing it except i started to hardly talk and i was abrupt with talking. what once wouldve been “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY PUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN” became
“hI purin”. yeah everyone was all “why r u so quiet?” and i jsut kept getting sadder and sadder til i turned off all
communication. of course anna was like “WTEHHEXx0RAZ?!~” but i jsut felt more and mroe down. Then my guybuddy zach came on “HIIIIIIIIIIIII DEEEEEEEE” “hi zach”. somehow he knew i was not too happy [understatement of the
season] and stalked me to see what was wrong. i was abrupt with him and he left and so i thought that i had scared
him off. then Zach did this.
and so, i put my head down and bawled my eyes out. jsut cried and cried. like a ninny >=[ ! after that i felt so much better!!! though i still dont know hwy i felt so bad D= ill have to ask my subconcious later. Anyway. . .
THANK YOU For Great Guy-Friends That Know How To Cheer You Up When You Yourself Do Not Know How To.
lawl i could actually make jokes again!! =D like when these two noobs were all over each other.
yep, just chronicling well not ALL of it but my friend wants to join and. . .he’ll read my blogs ;___; SO in order to keep my pride intact, im moving some NOT all to my myspace. where theyll be made into diary blog x____X
so. . . .yea. . . .F3
i knew i shuldve gave them to edgar when i ahd a chance T.T know theyre lsot forever in the Realm of Crashed Computers. darnit
Yep im done =)
For he who lives more lives than one
More deaths then one must die
Mood Swing!
Gratz on your lvl up!
And err try and keep your chin up okay?
Have a issue
Take/Get a tissue (or somethin’ like that)
All I needed to read was that you were having fun as a Strdit. STRDITS FTW!
@muffin yes i have mood swings. and yes i will eat u if u dont shutit! >=O
@Nass thank yoou x3
@ the flamin lion : OF COURSE!~!~ >=O STRFTW~
i know the chooce of cheezy or nzzy was done a long time ago (and dont say “wow lol really really old"
but i say ~deezy !
~donts~ wich doesent have a signature himeself !
p.s. youll know best : should i copy someones signature too
lol jk dont worry maplers !
dunt copy! =O
cuz ppl were all “why does dee ahve cheezehs sig?!”
but its mine now
if he tries tot ake it back
i set him on fire =O
but anyway HIYA! ^^
-adds to friends list-
Signatures are against the rule. The unwritten one that the Captain has never tried to stress.
:p; (whoa I just tried to type “lol” and that(<<<<<<
came out!)
Sux to loz stuff, beleeve me
i no!
Yay, fynaly read teh blog!
I win!
~LaZxx. . .(wel, my spelingz a bit of!)