man im so depressed im a lvl 22 and i hav the hardest time lvling.
1). becuz i gav all my munny away to my friend who got hacked and now i thnk shes a moocher bcuz now she asks me for stuff and evn tho i gav her all my munny i didnt find out til l8r that the person who hacked her stuff gave it all back plus gave her like 500k and she didnt tell me or evn try andpay me back. so im poor and cannt pay for hp pots and mp pots.
2). my mom h8s maplestory she says shes geting tired of seeing me on it and the only reason she doesnt delete it from the computer is bcuz i meet ppl on it.(the computr with the good onternet connection is in her room so i gotta force myself not to argue with her evrytiime she bringz it up) plus shes on the computr like 24/7 and i can nevr get on.
3). im always called away frm the computr bcuz of my sibs (i have 8 bros and sisterz & they all live with meh ya big family) their alwayz fiting or crying or messin around and they are completely worse than demons.unluckily i am 2nd oldest so i hav to deal with it cuz my sis is alwayz at cheerleading practice or tournament or w/e so im stuck dealing with these heathens and can nevr get on.
4). i talk too much. wether its to my buddyz, guild membrz, or sum1 i dont evn kno i will eithr start a conversation or join one im not evn invited to. im also alwayz sayin crazy stuf and i attract ppl (i.e about all boyz) and i can nevr stop a conversaton cuz i dont wanna b rude and i alwayz gotta hav the last word x(
5). i hav a lot of guy buddyz and wenevr i get on i try to spend time with ea. of them and talk with them to make sure they kno i care and stuf. the only problem is, they all end up fallin in luv or like or w/e with me and ask me to b their GF. prob is i culd nevr figure who to say yes to i evn had to best friends in real life fiting ovr me HIGHLY annnoying and i dont like discontent i wuld do basically anythng to keep the peace.(I.E i hav only 3 grlz on my buddy list all the rest are boyz i also have guy buddyz in guild) so i kept the peace by sayin yes to this guy (cant say name) who i like but not like like if u get wat i mean(if u dont thats ok) jus so no one wuld fite anymore. as soon as i told all my buddyz pandemonium broke out. my best friend told me she h8ed this guy and she doesnt qwant to see him evr. my guy buddy A (code name) told me he hated me and told me to go to hell kickd me off his buddy and blacklisted me plus he called me a wh0re. (later we made up)the two best friendz got mad at first but then one of them said nvm he will eventually mess up and i will b there to comfort and marry u >.< (the othr one bcame my slave haha) one alreddy had a GF(ahem sry WIFEY) thank goodness and said he was happy for me. it eventually cooled down but they still painfully joke about it.
5). i hav trouble hardcore training and such and end up askin one of my buddyz to help me and then i end up goin all ovr evrywhere doin w/e for them or chasin them down.
oh wow i ended up tellin u more than wat i ment to but o well those are sum of the reasons i find it hard to lvl i will b back with more unfortunatley T-T *heavy sigh*
*eyes burn*
*illegit grammer taking over body*
You blinded one of my eye.
Grammer pl0x, I could read, but little bit hard.
Anyway, nice blog. I actually read it and enjoyed it.
Yeah, seriously. Grammar please. I refuse to even read your blog, because I find that kind of grammar hard to read and it gives me a headache. >.>
Same like those trios said. Learn proper grammar plox =_=
Yeah, I don’t mean to be rude, but I read half then my eyes started to bleed. I had to decode every sentence.
pl0x learn to h8 talkin lik dis. anddontmakeurblogtitleslikethis. no offense but dun evr evr talk lik dis again or i wil literaly chop ur balls off.
I would appreciate it very much if you use normal spelling
I have that second thingummy with my mom too -_- it’s so annoying!
Bad grammer is to me as blindingly bright light is to a person with a migraine.
O___O dun be h8ing my 1337 talk foo’s lol jk XD.
i am SO sorry i was writing in my seminar and i was rushing bcuz it was time to change classes >.>
and its computr talk so shutup haterz x)
o and im a grl so i dont hav ballz,
I’m ok with you takling like this, but only on maple story or msn or w/e kind of IM service. It will be easier for people to read if you used normal spelling.
Dispite of that I still enjoyed your blog
I see you’re kind of new here so:
Welcome and have fun on MMO Tales ^_^.
Perhaps you do. . . Hmmmmm. . . perhaps u dont? XD
perhaps i do or dont wat? o.O
Take a bow for you have just one the “Most Painful Blog to Read” award.
I have to get glasses now because that was so painstakingly difficult to read.