Four times exp for FOUR DAYS!? WTFBBQHAX


maybe other people ahd it

maybe iw as just a lucky nooby =O

but i had four times exp for four days straight O___O;; plus the day before the $x for $ days started i had 2x experience =O

what Dee?!! wth didnt u level to 38 or sumthng then?!!

i WOULD have butbut. . .parents do not understand and therefore could care less that their daughter was blessed with 4x experience for four days straight =.=

im soooooooooooo lucky and yet soooooooooooooooooooo unlucky!! =((


Level-Ups =O

yes i DID manage to level =D

i leveled my Kradian to level 11

i leveled my Windian bunnyismybf 2x to level 24 =DDD

i leveled my main Mello328 to level 34 OMG ONLY ONE MROE TILL I CAN LUDI PQ YAYERZWOOTZ

see?! =D

i got something accomplished ^^






plus ia lreraday messed up on y warrior having 53 str at lvl 10 ;____; help me fix me plawks!!

And a Long thoguht Lost “friend” returns

well after a 2 month or so absence, my dear “friend” Craig has returned!! =D

as lvl 67 =(( but still!! =D

i was so happy he came back which (due to the fact that i am an immature 15 yr old girl) all thoguhts of any one else
was shoved to the back of my mind.

that is, until he says “hey Dee, im getting married!!”

married? i say D= to shurlee he says hey how about you come to our wedding?!

… -___________-;; why are boys such idiots >=( ITS NOT THAT HARD TO UDNERSTAND US GAWSH!!

and here comes the emotional pain crashing tothe shore of my heart

-____-;; lol i DID skip the wedding, gave him a reasonable explantion, called him a jerk and blocked him from everything, cried, unblocked him and apoklogized a zillion times, and finally (on the advice of my good friend Krissy) i told him the real reason i did not want tog o to that wedding

i was jealous as hell.

so sue me >=(

Return to the Confused Squirrell


why do stuffeths get complicated?! >=[ if i were you, id take this advice right here as the smartest advice youd ever get as a mapler.

Do NOT have any relations of the special variety (I.E. to like like) someone. It will only lead to ongoing stress,headeaches,possibly failing or falling grades, and depression. so DONT do it!! >=O

thats the best ever advice you can ever get.

besides of course not playing maple int eh first place =D

but i beleive it’s too late for you now nubcake!!

A great saying i’ve found

Something to be Happy about:

Dangling between a past that holds a different future, and a future that holds a different past.

Do you understand you hopelessy mundane and conforming individual?


13 thoughts on “Four times exp for FOUR DAYS!? WTFBBQHAX”

  1. Le sigh. Such drama. x3

    I enjoyed my 2x/4x as well. n.n

    Lvld my new magician to 27 (that’s 11 lvls in about a day – HOO I was on FIRE) and my wizard to 58.

  2. Hehe . . . I mess up a warrior every time I make one, but as long as the stats can be fixed over time, you should be ok. What are your stats now?

  3. Ganache said: “Le sigh. Such drama. x3

    I enjoyed my 2x/4x as well. n.n

    Lvld my new magician to 27 (that’s 11 lvls in about a day – HOO I was on FIRE) and my wizard to 58.”

    I did better. 1-18 in one day, magician, no 2x/4x. That was way back when though. =)

    But I got my cleric to 58 with 4x exp, that’s um… 3 levels ^__^ Yarr.

  4. Ganache said: “Le sigh. Such drama. x3

    I enjoyed my 2x/4x as well. n.n

    Lvld my new magician to 27 (that’s 11 lvls in about a day – HOO I was on FIRE) and my wizard to 58.”

    leveled a warrior from 10 to about 29, WITHOUT double exp or, then I got bored, and went back on cleric, felt weak, went back on warrior, leveled to 30 and go job advancement, all in ONE day

  5. FINE!

    you guys ahve done better! -rols eyes-

    now stop beating your chests cavemen and go catch me some dinosaur rawr!


  6. RussetAure said: “

    MasterCheeze said: “I find this blog to be shallow and pedantic.”

    I find you to be similar.”

    You don’t even know what pedantic means do ya? >.>

    I heard it offa Family Guy, so I know it’s a smart word. xP

  7. XDDDD


    i find pedantic more suiting to you cheeze while shallow is awarded to teh maplestory pool =O

    gene pool for noobs that is


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