mmo crew!!!

lol. I was on my dit today and i noticed that lividia was online =D. So i tried whispering her, she had blocked all whispers. I then chat invited her, she also blocked all chat invites. I fumed and i’m like, “Oh what the heck” and log onto my cleric.

I’m already and ludi and so is she =D so i walk to where she is. I go to the main hall, she’s not there. I track her and she’s a lvl down. I go there, i track her again and she’s another lvl down. I’m like “WTH!!!” and i go down. I see a 54 or 55 fighter and olevize.

I’m like “FINALLY!!! LIVIDIA!!” and she notices me, Look at pic 1. So then the 54 fighter came up and Lividia introduced me. It was kermit from MMOtales =D so i had just met 2 ppl in the same minute, all from MMOtales =D. On picture 2 and 3 it’s just me, Lividia and Kermit =D The last picture was when we were heading to Aqua road.
We didn’t really have time to do anythign there but it was fun all the same =D.

See ya’ll later =D

The dawn of night

Is that a good sig?

14 thoughts on “mmo crew!!!”

  1. hahaha. too bad us two couldn’t have met up. x3
    at least we had fun whispering for awhile!

  2. LOL! =)
    yay! you named it after what i said (look at picture1)
    i want to see you too blackboy0!

    maybe another time? xD
    IGN: olevize

    <33 Liviadia.

  3. no! you logged off! ! !
    and plus i was being whispered by 3 people at the same time.

    i’m sorry btw if it seemed like i ignored you.

  4. Waffle said: “im not even gonna ask what kerm was doing there. . .”

    lol, thats wat i was wondering . . .

  5. lol kermit, you gotta be careful i’m a journalist and I always blog about things i’ve done. Be mindful and careful next time

    the Dawn of Night

  6. Nah, Lol im always carful REMOVE THE PIC OF ME DOING 703 damage to it ( its sad, ) Lol i dont care xD

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