Maple Academy and The Left Leg
Chapter Three: CTF
Date: August 27, 2007
Time: 20:00
Jason walked through the halls, surrounded by Niel, Rey, Cam, Colleen And Larissa. Colleen walked with Cam, whispering random jargon about lawyers and such. Reys pocket knife jingled about as he walked, talking to Niel and Larissa about the special event Leif had mentioned in their first class that evening. They rounded the corner and saw two twenty-foot doors leading into the Mess Hall.
Rey ran ahead and with a smile, shoved the doors open for everybody. They all marched in, Jason heard Cam chuckle as the Mess Hall came into view. The hall looked like a normal schools cafeteria, nothing special, nothing extraordinary. Ten long tables were spread out around the Hall. At the end of the room, a table was set out for the teachers. Jason saw Professor Leif, Sapedous Draconious and Principal Jessica all sitting at the table.
Rey nudged Jasons elbow,
“Thats the guy, the one who stopped the fighting, he whispered, pointing at a young guy standing behind the Principals chair, apparently trying to hide from view. Jason looked at where he was pointing, his brain exploded in pain. He cried out and fell to the ground, holding his head as it throbbed in agony.
Jason! he heard Colleen shout; it was barely more than a whisper to his ears. People started looking up from their tables, trying to catch a glimpse of him writhing on the ground. Larissa turned, shouting for a teacher. The man that had been hiding behind the Principals chair appeared out of no where beside Jason, dropping to his knees and shouting into his ear. Teachers rushed down the aisles, pushing students aside that had gotten up to look.
Professor D kneeled down and grabbed Jasons head. Immediately, the pain stopped. He took in large gasps of air; his lungs burning from the sudden pain. His brain felt as though somebody had taken it and ripped it apart. Professor D, Leif, Jessica and three other teachers he didnt recognize stood above him, along with the man that was hiding, all looked into his face.
What happened? Leif asked, helping him up.
I dunno
I just entered and my head just started throbbing Jason replied, stumbling and grabbing onto Larissas arm for support.
Well, just sit over there in case anything else happens Leif said, pointing to a small table off to the side with four paramedic-looking men sat, talking to each other.
No, its okay Jason argued, wanting to sit with his friends.
Are you sure?
Alright, everybody, back to your tables! all the teachers and students started walking back to their tables. Jason looked around, the man that had shouted in his ear was gone. Jason sat down beside Rey and Colleen. Colleen shot him a look of concern, Jason smiled.
Attention! Principal Jessicas shout blocked out all others, her voice magnified like a megaphone. She stood up and straightened her dress,
Alright, Id just like to say a few words for those newcomers. The teachers lounge is strictly off limits too ANY student. Secondly, the Fire Tower is also, off-limits to anybody that does not with to be expelled. She let that settle.
Now, for tonights special event!! Thanks too the newcomers, we will host another Capture The Flag game!! The Hall erupted in shouts and screams of joy as the students rejoiced.
Varnus Trifle will be our Healer for this game cheers from the third table from the right of the Hall erupted as Varnus stood up and waved, then sat back down.
Roxxi Heartland, our Powers teacher, will provide weapons for any of those unable to control their powers correctly everybody clapped, as a cleanly dressed and combed woman stood up, waved and sat back down, the sun dancing on her hair.
Now, eat up! Capture The Flag begins in one hour!
Everybody tramped down to the field; I trailed behind Jason and Colleen. Their heads were close together and they were whispering about what they were going to do for the game. I walked beside my brother, who was talking to nobody in particular about animals and the wrong state of the grass.
Would you shut up!? I shouted as we neared the starting of the woods. He closed his mouth and glared at me, then turned back around, ignoring me.
Yo, Jason, you better have my back tonight! I shouted at Jason who turned around and nodded, and turned back too Colleen. They reached the forest edge where the whole school was crowded.
Alright everybody! We have a couple rules that you must be aware of before we head into the forest! Everybody please turn your attention to Johnny please! whispers broke through the crowd, girls freaking out with their hair and boys guffawing about, looking for Johnny. I leaned towards a senior,
Whos Johnny? he chuckled,
A General from the War, hes rumored to be dead the senior whispered back. I smiled: a General. The man Jason and I had seen walked up onto the stage; all eyes were on him and nobody said a word.
Thank you, Principal Jessica, for letting me be here tonight. Now, I have to warn you all. Before you enter this forest I must tell you something: This forest is not for the faint-hearted. Entering this forest makes you vulnerable, weak and easy to pick out. I will have no dirty play, no going outside the boundaries and last of all, no murdering. I will be walking through the forest along with Professor Jessica and D, watching out for those of you that would see fit to break the rules that are set in place for not only your sake, but for others as well his mysterious and strong voice made me smile. I really liked the guy.
Alright, lets begin Capture The Flag! Too your strongholds! everybody split up, scrambling towards their flags. I followed our team captain, a senior with super strength.
Alright you lot! I want a clean play out of all of you, no behind-assassinations and no underwater assaults. Lets try to get the flag and have some fun! the team consisted of twenty seniors and ten juniors, including Jason, me, Niel and Colleen. Each team consisted of thirty students and there were forty-eight teams in all. Each team had its own flag that another team had to capture to gain a point.
At the end of the game, the team with the most flags wins the game and a night in the Winners Tent. Once a flag has been stolen and captured, it cannot be taken again. I looked at our captain, no muscles bulged from his arms. What a bad captain. The cool night air touched my face and passed by, the forest was silent. Out of the dead silence a loud horn blew,
And it starts Fifteen seniors immediately ran off, three rocketing from the ground and flying through the air towards the middle of the forest. I saw Niel wave at me, then he was gone as he teleported.
Oy you! Your on offense! Flank Gabe here as he goes for Team 03s flag! Captain Jake shouted at me. I nodded and looked around for Gabe, seeing him entering the forest with three other guys. I sprinted into the trees and jumped and dodged around the bush, looking for Gabes party.
Hey you! a boulder clipped my shoulder, throwing me through the air and hitting a tree. I looked up and saw a huge guy staring down at me, a pebble in his overly sized hands. The pebble suddenly grew one foot, then two, until it was as big as my torso. He swung his arm in a large arc over his head. He dropped the boulder on his toe as my foot plunged into his groin. I scrambled up and dodged around his aimless punches.
I ran to the opposite side of the clearing and turned around ,my hand bursting in flames. I flung the fireball at him, his pants caught fire and he ran out of the clearing, howling in pain. I swung below an overhanging branch and swiftly moved around a tree, as nimble as a Wood Elf. I rounded the tree and came face to face with Cameron Gonzo, then he was gone.
Come on Cam! Come out and play! I shouted, a fireball erupting in my hand. I turned around and I saw it. The Team 34 Flag. I lunged for it, smashing into a body. I looked up and came face to face with a slimy, green scaled dragon-type monster. I Colleen shout from somewhere behind my,
This one’s just a BIT bigger I think =D Sorry ’bout the wait those of you that have been waiting!
Why not the right leg?
Cuz left leg’s pwn right legs =)
Because the Left Leg sounds better.
Thats pretty good
Nice writing.
Yah, and it’s a two-L alliteration combo.
Didn’t somebody ask this question already?
Same person.
Grawr! More suspense! Dx<
When will Vaan show up Im waiting for my guy! <3
No, it’s just the same question.
Thanks all =) Gonna start next Chapter soon. . .
YAY! ‘Tis me on this chapter! Just as I was expecting the character to be! ^_^
Thanks, great chapter! And I can see your writing IS getting better! ^_^ LOL! ^_^
– Little preacher man.
FINALLY i get to read it! >=O
yay im in it! -does dance-
uve got a couple of msitakes but other than that
pwnz =3
Alright, as soon as my stupid Microsoft Word opens up, I’m gonna start writing Chapter 4. Please be patient, its been opening for thirty minutes
Thirty minutes? O_O Holy crapper~ Today’s the 24th, is it still loading? ^.~