Hello MMOtales!

hello MMOtales i’m new =D I hope I won’t break into any flame wars or anything. I am cousins of a lvl 136 priest on Basil. He said to me to try out MMOtales cause basil just doesn’t work out for me T_T well c ya l8r!!

10 thoughts on “Hello MMOtales!”

  1. welcome=D
    lol yeah flame wars are pretty bad. Every time there’s a flame war there is at least like 20 blogs on it.
    hope you enjoy mmotales

  2. thanks leifgreen =D. I haven’t gotten a good start with some of the people like lcyraven T_T she thought i was a fake of some firedrave guy.

  3. lol welcome =D Something you should learn very fast is that: Never, EVER have any grammer or spelling mistakes D=
    nah nah lol write whatever =P unless you’re commenting on like spelling and you spell something wrong. . then that’s just weird xD
    blah I’m just rambling aren’t I xD

    ~*~Welcome to MMOtales~*~

  4. your cousin really isnt relevant

    but anyway i hope you like it here

    im waffle

    you’ll get to know me quick

  5. Welcome to MMOTales Deathwalker! It’s a cool site, I haven’t used BasilMarket, but I think I’m going to. I hope you have fun here! ^^

    ♣ Glac ♠

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