So im using my friends account while he was at my house. He has a thief. He decided that we should go to pig beach. So we went there. This was on channel 16. We took one spot and we were not bothered by any other players. Then comes along a 5x fighter/page and his friend a probably 2x/3x warrior. We were fighting then they come and kses me like hell. I said i was here first and then they said so? They told me to go away and not to come back or they’ll double defame me.
I then said that people like you should not be playing maple story. They said so? again. I got fed up with them and i decided to change channels. But before that. I said that they should go to hell. I changed channels. After a few minutes of training, i saw them coming then i thought. cool, now ive done it. I changed channels once more and decided to keep a routine track.
Looks like they tracked me too…
For about 10 minutes we kept this up. A problem was that i was on 99.98% and they caught up to me. I couldnt change channels so i quickly logged out. Me and my friends were laughing like hell! THen i logged on to my cleric account and i sorta spammed them saying suckers. They invited me to a chat room and we had a conversation. Just check the pic for it.
What was on in the chat i did not record. One more thing they said was that you should go to hell and i hope that your mother has cancer. What kind of players are these.
Here is the end of the story. please give me your ideas if i was right or wrong. Even though im not christian, i hope that god will forgive them. I hope they read this and realise what idiots they are.
your opinions please.
That right there makes you no better than them, and in which case to your question, you were wrong. Why should there be nice players left on Maple, when players like you simply egg everyone on? Instead of ignoring the player and either changing channels or going about your business, you added gasoline to the spark and turned it into a blazing fire.
Yoon’s kinda right. That whole thing probably wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t provoked them. Although I would have been pissed off too, it’s still not smart to get someone at a higher level, mad at you. They might have a guild who’s willing to start a defame war over something stupid.
Lol ive done that tons of times with my noob bowman, when they start stalkin me i log on as my priest (lvl 8x) and ks them to hell and mass defame them xD. They get so pissed off, its awsome
yhe me and my friend hina we save d abunch of noob from trojans and robots XD
More than anything, I find it funny that he called you a nerd, Look what level he is, And he has the audacity to call you a nerd? ROFLMAO XD Holy crap that’s funny.
Ugh, there must be hundreds of these rude people making rude babies or something in MapleStory =___=;
What yoonhozo said made sense in a way. I mean yeah it could be said like that but one can also argue that if they hadn’t instigated the whole siuation would not have happened.
I mean hey, it’s just a game, (for most of us at least ^___^;) And since we’re all different people and have different opinions all that matters in the end is how you feel =]